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Zoekresultaten - 8 results

A cluster of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis among patients arriving in Europe from the Horn of Africa: a molecular epidemiological study.

Stefan Kröger; Walter Haas; Harald Hoffmann; Indra, Alexander; Adrian Egli; Daniela M Cirillo; Jérôme Robert; Thomas R Rogers; Ramona Groenheit; Anne T Mengshoel; Vanessa Mathys; Marjo Haanperä; Dick van ...

Laboratory diagnosis of paediatric tuberculosis in the European Union/European Economic Area: analysis of routine laboratory data, 2007 to 201136508

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Sanchini,A.; Fiebig,L.; Drobniewski,F.; Haas,W.; Richter,E.; Katalinic-Jankovic,V.; Pimkina,E.; Skenders,G.; D M. Cirillo; Balabanova,Y. ...

Characteristics of serology-based vaccine potency models for foot-and-mouth disease virus.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Willems, Tom; David Lefebvre; Goris, Nesya; Diev, Vyacheslav I; Kremenchugskaya, Svetlana R; Paul, Guntram; Haas, Bernd; Kris De Clercq ...

Indirect foot-and-mouth disease vaccine potency testing based on a serological alternative.

Zakharov, Valery M; Borisov, Vladimir V; Nauwynck, Hans J; Haas, Bernd; Kris De Clercq Source: Vaccine, Volume 26, Issue 31, p.3870-9 (2008) Keywords: Animals Antibodies, Viral Cattle Enzyme-Linked ...

Proposal for standardization of optimized mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit-variable-number tandem repeat typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis36767

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Supply,P.; Allix,C.; Lesjean,S.; Cardoso-Oelemann,M.; Rusch-Gerdes,S.; Willery,E.; Savine,E.; de Haas,P.; van Deutekom,H.; Roring,S.; ...

Comparative evaluation of six ELISAs for the detection of antibodies to the non-structural proteins of foot-and-mouth disease virus.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Brocchi, E; Bergmann, I E; Dekker, A; Paton, D J; Sammin, D J; Greiner, M; Grazioli, S; De Simone, F; Yadin, H; Haas, B; Bulut, N; ...

Foot-and-mouth disease virus: a first inter-laboratory comparison trial to evaluate virus isolation and RT-PCR detection methods.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Ferris, N P; King, D P; Reid, S M; Hutchings, G H; Shaw, A E; Paton, D J; Goris, N; Haas, B; Hoffmann, B; Brocchi, E; Bugnetti, M; Dekker, ...

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