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Zoekresultaten - 3 results

Development, Validation and Application of a Targeted LC-MS Method for Quantification of Microcystins and Nodularin: Towards a Better Characterization of Drinking Water

pollutants are some of the causes of the problem. Moreover, due to the increasing human population, water demand is also increasing, while water reserves in aquifers, groundwater and fossil water are ...

A biomonitoring survey of the residents and the rescue workers for acrylonitrile after the train disaster in Wetteren (Belgium)

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Joris Van Loco; T. De Smedt; Koen De Cremer; Sébastien Fierens; Ilse Van Overmeire; An Van Nieuwenhuyse; Herman Van Oyen ...

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