Zoekresultaten - 5 results
PT-2019-NRL-TE-FASFC Determination of As, Asi, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni in lentils. Final report on the 2019 proficiency test organised by the National Reference Laboratory for Trace Elements in Food and Feed
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Karlien Cheyns; Nadia Waegeneers Source: Sciensano, Tervuren, Belgium, p.31 (2019) Health Topics: Heavy metals Métaux lourds Service: Éléments traces et nanomatéri ...
Global burden of cancer and coronary heart disease resulting from dietary exposure to arsenic, 2015
Life Years (DALY s) for lung, skin and bladder cancers, as well as coronary heart disease (CHD) attributable to inorganic arsenic in food. To determine foodborne inorganic arsenic exposures worldwide, we ...
Arsenic Speciation Analysis Elucidates the Risk Assesment of Food Supplements with Ingredients of Marine Origin. 9th Nordic Conference on plasma spectrochemistry
the consumption of these types of FS, based on 60 samples collected in a Belgian market study. In this context, the determination of the most toxic fraction, inorganic arsenic (As i) and the non-toxic ...
Determination of total Ti in candy
concentration can be determined after chemical digestion but dissolving Ti needs the use of concentrated sulfuric acid or hydrofluoric acid (HF). The use of S is not optimal for ICP- MS analysis, because several ...
Determination of As, (iAs), Cd, Pb, Cu, Hg and Zn in liquid follow-on formulae manufactured from soya protein isolates (PT-2015-NRL-TE-FASFC). Final report on the 2015 interlaboratory comparison organised by the NRL for Trace Elements in food and feed.
Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Karlien Cheyns; Nadia Waegeneers Source: CODA-CERVA, Brussel, België, p.35 (2015) Accession Number: NA Keywords: 2015 AS Cd Cu feed food Hg iAs NRL Pb soya protein i ...