Zoekresultaten - 24 results
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group- patient and citizen engagement
their disease-specific community. Inequalities can only be tackled if they are properly identified. This requires the definition of appropriate determinants fit for (inter)national comparison and ...
Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group – cancer research in Belgium
for Belgium to determine how best to ensure it remains an attractive market so that patients have access to innovative care. This could include streamlining regulatory complexity, while establishing ...
Validation of the Flemish-Dutch diabetic foot ulcer scale short form (DFS-SF) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers
None of the 6 predefined hypotheses to determine the construct validity was confirmed. The different DFS- SF subscales showed a moderate to strong correlation with the EQ-5D-5L index value. The DFS- SF ...
Validation of the Flemish-Dutch Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) questionnaire for diabetic foot ulcers
to determine the construct validity of LEFS was confirmed (17%). The LEFS score showed a strong correlation with the EQ-5D-5L index value (p<0.0001) and a moderate correlation with the EQ-5D-5L ...
Assessment of the clinical and analytical performance of the Aptima SARS-CoV-2 assay using the VALCOR protocol.
of 180 clinical samples were tested with an addition of 40 diluted clinical specimens to determine the limit of detection. When compared to the standard comparator assay Aptima had a sensitivity of ...
Evolution and determinants of glycaemic control in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Belgium: A 10-year period observational real-world study
investigate the determinants of HbA1c among children and adolescents with T1D. Health Topics: Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg ...
The EMPCAN study: protocol of a population-based cohort study on the evolution of the socio-economic position of workers with cancer
Issue 1 (2019) Keywords: cancer Determining factors Life course Return-to-work Abstract: Background: The improvements in cancer control led to an increase in the number of cancer survivors, notably, in ...
Validation of intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the Xpert HPV assay according to the international guidelines for cervical cancer screening.
Tests) and aims to determine whether the reproducibility of Xpert HPV is in line with international validation criteria. METHODS Validation of new hrHPV DNA assays requires demonstration of good ...
Clinical Evaluation of INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping II Assay Using the VALGENT Framework.
hrHPV determined by INNO-LiPA was 17.1% (95% CI, 15.0⁻19.2%) in the screening population. HrHPV testing with INNO-LiPA had a sensitivity for CIN2 + of 96.9% (95% CI, 92.1⁻99.1%) which was non-inferior to ...
Diagnostic accuracy of p16(INK4a) immunohistochemistry in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
meta-analysis to determine the diagnostic accuracy of p16(INK4 a) immunohistochemistry (IHC) to identify HPV-induced OPSCC. We identified all studies that performed p16(INK4 a) IHC (index test) and HPV E6 / E7 ...