Zoekresultaten - 7 results

Urine concentrations of Arsenic and its species in adolescents from Wallonia (Belgium).

determinants such as gender and determined exposure reference values. We analysed urine concentrations of total arsenic (AsT), arsenobetaine (AB) and toxic relevant arsenic (TRA, the sum of DMA, MMA and ...

PT-2020-NRL-TE-FASFC “Determination of As, Cd, Pb and Hg in food supplements"

presents the results of the proficiency test organised by the NRL- TE which focused on the determination of trace elements in food supplements. The results from the PT were treated in Sciensano, Tervuren. ...

Host and environmental determinants of placental iodine concentrations

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Kristof Y. Neven; Cox, Bianca; Wilfried Gyselaers; Joris Penders; Michelle Plusquin; Karen Vrijens; Ann Ruttens; Nawrot, T. Source: 31st annual conference of the International Societ ...

Estimation of the Uncertainties Related to the Measurement of the Size and Quantities of Individual Silver Nanoparticles in Confectionery.

sample, the uncertainty related to sample preparation increased to 6.8%. The expanded measurement uncertainty related to the concentration determination was 25-45% in these complex samples, without a clear ...

Screening for nanoparticles in complex matrices within a regulatory framework: are we there yet?

particle inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (spICP- MS) was studied as a screening tool to determine the number-based size distribution of Ag particles, their particle number and mass ...

Economic viability of phytoremediation of a cadmium contaminated agricultural area using energy maize. Part I: effect on the farmer's income.

a remediation technology is, besides the extraction rate, determined by its profitability, being the effects it has on the income of the farmer whose land is contaminated. This income can be supported by ...

PT-2018-NRL-TE-FASFC Determination of As, Asi, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Hg in baby food. Final report on the 2018 Proficiency test organized by the national reference laboratory for trace elements in food and feed

Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Karlien Cheyns; Nadia Waegeneers Source: (2018) Health Topics:  Food consumption and food safety Consommation et sécurité alimentaires Voedselconsumptie en –veilighe ...

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