Zoekresultaten - 30 results
BSFM 2024- Reported food-borne outbreaks in Belgium, 2023
outbreaks, respectively, leading to 478, 42, 60 and 38 illnesses. A total of 716 outbreaks were classified as weak-evidence outbreaks. Six outbreaks were strong-evidence outbreaks because the causative agent ...
Please don't throw me in the briar patch! Empirical evidence on the role of instructional cues on eco-label usage in fish consumption decisions
was observed. Notably, this effect was evident only in the absence of supporting information on Enviroscore, and the observed impact could not be attributed to any indirect attention effect. In ...
BSFM 2023- L. monocytogenes in Plant-Based Foods: insights from of a recent foodborne outbreak linked to vegan alternative to cheese
plant-based food production. For example, challenge tests performed on bovine milk and plant-based milk demonstrated similar growth of L. monocytogenes. The outbreak described here provides strong evidence of ...
Integration of various dimensions in food-based dietary guidelines via mathematical approaches: report of a DGE/FENS Workshop in Bonn, Germany, 23–24 September 2019Abstract
view of pressing challenges, such as climate change and the rising burden of diet-related diseases, the simultaneous integration of evidence-based findings from different dimensions into FBDG s is ...
Targeted High-Throughput Sequencing Enables the Detection of Single Nucleotide Variations in CRISPR/Cas9 Gene-Edited Organisms
experimental-based evidence indicating that the proposed targeted high-throughput sequencing approach may constitute, in the future, a specific and sensitive tool to support the safety and traceability of the ...
The cost of healthy versus current diets in the Netherlands for households with a low, middle and high education.
(2022) Abstract: The cost of food is an important driver of food choice and most evidence suggests that healthier diets are more costly than less healthy diets. However, current attempts to model the cost ...
How theory can help to understand the potential impact of food environment policies on socioeconomic inequalities in diet: an application of Bourdieu's capital theory and the scarcity theory.
Policy Socioeconomic Factors Abstract: Government policies that promote healthy food environments are considered promising to reduce socioeconomic inequalities in diet. Empirical evidence of effects on ...
Two countries, similar practices: The political practices of the food industry influencing the adoption of key public health nutrition policies in Guatemala and Panama.
against the proposed public policies. Discursive strategies were mainly criticizing on the unfounded ground that they lacked evidence of effectiveness and will imply negative impacts on the economy. The ...
An assessment of implementation gaps and priority recommendations on food environment policies: the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI) in Japan
non-alcoholic beverages compared with international best practices. The current study confirmed the importance of continuous accumulation of evidence through national monitoring systems. Developing comprehensive ...
Benchmarking public policies to create healthy food environments compared to best practice: the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index in Guatemala.
Monitoring and Action Support) was used. Evidence of implementation for 50 good practice indicators within the seven food policies and six infrastructure support domains was compiled, and subsequently ...