Zoekresultaten - 414 results
Guiding Document on cross-sectoral preparedness and response to biological and/or chemical terror attack
countries across Europe. These elements have been compiled and provided the evidence to produce the present guiding document. This guidance is structured in 4 main chapters, 8 suggested actions and 20 ...
The economic burden of type 2 diabetes on the public healthcare system in Kenya: a cost of illness study
cost-of-illness data, particularly public healthcare costs for NCD s, is limited in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), yet such data evidence is needed for policy action. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to ...
Applying foresight research for drug policy: Lessons from the DRUG-PREP project
Foresight research includes a variety of methodologies, combining evidence-based analysis with creative and interactive approaches. In DRUG- PREP, national-level foresight was conducted in six European ...
BY-COVID D5.1 Enriched report viral variants and health outcomes
sources, and countries. This evolving BY- COVID demonstrator is continuously enriched with new data, new evidence, and new hypotheses as part of Task 5.1. The use cases implemented in Task 5.2, Task 5.3 and ...
The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2
with the application of Wastewater-Based Surveillance (WBS) (also known as Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE)) to provide population-scale evidence of SARS-CoV-2 shedding into wastewater. The ...
Detection and Serological Evidence of European Bat Lyssavirus 1 in Belgian Bats between 2016 and 2018.
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Nauwelaers, Inne; Van den Eynde, Claudia; Terryn, Sanne; Vandendriessche, Bob; Willems, Wout; Dekeukeleire, Daan; Steven Van Gucht Source: Trop Med Infect Dis, Volume 9, Issue 7 (2024) Abstract: ...
Detection and Serological Evidence of European Bat Lyssavirus 1 in Belgian Bats between 2016 and 2018
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Inne Nauwelaers; Claudia Van den Eynde; Terryn, Sanne; Vandendriessche, Bob; Willems, Wout; Dekeukeleire, Daan; Steven Van Gucht Source: Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, Volume 9, Issue ...
The development of a webtool for health professionals to adequately refer oncological patients to supportive care
evidence-based supportive care interventions for the needs. Linking the evidence-based interventions to the available professionals and institutions in Belgium offering supportive care. Developing an overview of ...
Chemoprophylaxis of close contacts of invasive cases of haemophilus influenzae: a review
contacts and pre-school and child care under certain conditions. This recommendation is based on evidence of secondary cases with Hia especially in some North American Indigenous populations. Based on the ...
High pathogenic avian influenza A(H5) viruses of clade in Europe-Why trends of virus evolution are more difficult to predict.
epidemic waves, providing evidence of ongoing changes in transmission dynamics and disease epidemiology. We demonstrated the high genetic diversity of the circulating viruses, which have undergone frequent ...