Zoekresultaten - 328 results

Linking animal and human health burden: challenges and opportunities

can impact humans through three key processes: directly through zoonotic disease, indirectly via changes in yields and their impacts on nutrition and wealth, and finally, through indirect features ...

Investigation of potential migratables from paper and board food contact materialsTable1.docxTable2.docxTable3.docxTable4.docxTable5.docxTable6.docxTable7.docxTable8.docxTable9.docx

evaluation of these materials. Finally, the associated risks were assessed, highlighting the potential risks for several types of articles regarding bisphenol A, one primary aromatic amine (3.3- DMB), and MOSH ...

Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products

frequently employed for the production of microbial fermen- tation products such as food enzymes. Although presence of the GMM or its recombinant DNA in the final product is not authorized, contaminations ...

Policy brief: The need for a regional action plan for suicide prevention in Wallonia

https://www.sciensano.be/sites/default/files/policy_brief_en_belhealth_final.pdf Keywords: Policy Brief Suicidal behavior Wallonia Abstract: Suicide is a critical societal and public health concern, with far-reaching impacts on individuals and their loved ones, and society as a ...

Policy brief: La nécessité d'un plan d'action régional pour la prévention du suicide en Wallonie

https://www.sciensano.be/sites/default/files/policy_brief_belhealth_fr_final.pdf Keywords: Policy Brief Suicidal behavior Wallonia Abstract: Le suicide est une problématique majeure pour la société et la santé publique, avec des répercussions importantes sur les individus, ...

Applying foresight methods at the national level in the field of substance use: Experience from the DRUGPREP project

on opium production in Afghanistan. Finally, a national dialogue allowed discussion with stakeholders on how foresight can be integrated more structurally in the drugs field in Belgium. A summary of ...

Risks associated with the presence of PFAS in FCM: An investigation of the Belgian market.

Except for one sample, most detections suggest contamination rather than intentional use. Finally, a risk assessment was conducted, which revealed potential risks for consumers related to a coffee cup made ...

Unraveling clonal CD8 T cell expansion and identification of essential factors in γ-herpesvirus-induced lymphomagenesis.

rendered AlHV-1 unable to induce MCF. Furthermore, A10 was phosphorylated in T lymphocytes in vitro and affected T cell signaling. Finally, while AlHV-1 mutants expressing mutated forms of A10 devoid of ITAM ...

Which government policies to create sustainable food systems have the potential to simultaneously address undernutrition, obesity and environmental sustainability?

perceived to have double- or triple-duty potential. During the workshops, 4 potential synergies and 31 trade-offs of these policies were identified. The final list of 44 proposed policies for healthier and ...

A validation methodology for size and shape measurement of nanoplastics by transmission electron microscopy

However, to make a final conclusion on the trueness of our approach, more detailed information on the certification of the materials is required. This study establishes a robust methodology for the ...

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