Zoekresultaten - 9 results

Animal sources of antimicrobial-resistant bacterial infections in humans: a systematic review

direct contribution of animal sources of AMR are rare but increasing. More recent publications tailor their methodologies increasingly towards the AMR hazard as a whole, providing grounds for future ...

Fluoroquinolone resistance in Escherichia coli isolates after exposure to non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics: a retrospective case–control study

coli isolates from urinary samples. Future prospective research is needed to confirm non-fluoroquinolone antibiotics as potential drivers of fluoroquinolone resistance. Health Topics:  Antimicrobial resistance ...

Antimicrobial use in European long-term care facilities: results from the third point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017

the EU / EEA that can be used to identify targets for future interventions, follow-up of these interventions and promote prudent use of antimicrobials in European LTCF s. Health Topics:  Antimicrobial ...

Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015

among physicians compared to nurses, before patient contact and before performing aseptic procedures still remain challenges for future campaigns. Health Topics:  Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) ...

Falciparum malaria molecular drug resistance in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a systematic review.

data available on P. falciparum molecular resistance in DR Congo, as baseline for future assessments. METHODS: The search for this review was undertaken using the electronic databases PubMed and Google ...

Résultats de la 6e campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2014-2015

among physicians compared to nurses, before patient contact and before performing aseptic procedures still remain challenges for future campaigns. Health Topics:  Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) ...

Résultats de la 5ème campagne nationale pour la promotion de l'hygiène des mains dans les hôpitaux 2013

to nurses remained low. Thus more attention still needs to be placed on these categories during future campaigns. Health Topics:  Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) Antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) ...

Resultaten van de 5de Nationale campagne ter bevordering van de Handhygiëne (HH) in Ziekenhuizen, 2013

to nurses remained low. Thus more attention still needs to be placed on these categories during future campaigns. Health Topics:  Résistance aux antimicrobiens (AMR) Antimicrobiële resistentie (AMR) ...

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