Zoekresultaten - 4 results
Validation of the Dutch-Flemish translated ABCD questionnaire to measure cardiovascular diseases knowledge and risk perception among adults
We assessed the item- and scale-level psychometric properties and validity indices of the questionnaire. Parameters of IRT, item scalability, monotonicity, item difficulty and discrimination, and item ...
Health-related quality of life in patients with non-communicable disease: study protocol of a cross-sectional survey
a paper-based questionnaire to gather research outcomes. Statistical analyses will be performed using multiple linear regression models with HRQ oL as main outcome parameter, adjusted for possible confounders. ...
De zorgtrajecten diabetes mellitus type 2 en chronische nierinsufficiëntie en kwaliteit van zorg (EVACQ)
Sciensano (september 2017 — februari 2019) [1]. In deze tweede evaluatie werd de kwaliteit van de zorg geëvalueerd aan de hand van de parameters opgenomen in het ZT-contract. Voor het ZT DM2 was dit het ...
Development of a generic and open source Incidence-Prevalence-Mortality model for the assessment of chronic disease epidemiology
epidemiological parameters of a disease. In particular, inputs on disease incidence, remission, and case fatality were needed to determine the disease-speci c mortality and prevalence. However, an iterative ...