Zoekresultaten - 3 results
Agglomeration of titanium dioxide nanoparticles increases toxicological responses in vitro and in vivo
vivo, C57BL / 6JR j mice were exposed via oropharyngeal aspiration or oral gavage to TiO2 suspensions and, after 3 days, biological parameters including cytotoxicity, inflammatory cell recruitment, DNA ...
Estimation of the Uncertainties Related to the Measurement of the Size and Quantities of Individual Silver Nanoparticles in Confectionery.
distinction between additives and products. Overall, the validation parameters obtained for spICP- MS seem to be fit for the purpose of characterizing AgNP in E174 or E174-containing products. Health Topics: ...
Scientific opinion on the proposed amendment of the EU specifications for titanium dioxide (E 171) with respect to the inclusion of additional parameters related to its particle size distribution
additional parameters related to its particle size distribution. Titanium dioxide which is used as a food additive E 171 in food undergoes no surface treatment and is not coated. It consists of anatase or ...