Zoekresultaten - 4 results

Screening the capability of vibrational spectroscopic techniques for simultaneous quantification of vitamins B1, B6, and B12 in a powder blend

re-introduce them into the pharmaceutical industry, especially as part of process-analytical technology (PAT) tools for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. This research aimed to assess the potential of ...

OMCL testing and the API working group: Part of the solution?

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Eric Deconinck; Jelena Acevska Source: Combating Counterfeit and Other Illegal Medicines: 4th Symposium for OMCLs: New trends, new frontiers, EDQM, Issue EDQM, Rome, Italy (0) Abstra ...

Use of near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics for the classification of different Cannabis spp. samples found in Belgium

chemometric treatments were performed with Matlab R2018 b (The Mathworks ®). The algorithms were part of the ChemoAC toolbox (Freeware ®, ChemoAC consortium, version 4.1). Results and discussion   Figures : ...

Characterization and risk identification of falsified medicines and adulterated dietary supplements

medicines is not enough to evaluate their risk and that a broader characterization of the products is necessary for a correct risk evaluation. In another part of the project an onsite infrared based approach ...

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