Zoekresultaten - 18 results
Bioaccumulation of organic and inorganic contaminants in biota: A long-term evaluation in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanavermaete, David; De Witte, Bavo; Hostens, Kris; Ann Ruttens; Nadia Waegeneers; Karlien Cheyns; Leus, Jenne; De Baets, Bernard Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 209 (2024) Keywords: Bi ...
The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2
pandemics and for surveillance of other targets. The Cookbook is structured into eight parts: 1. Introduction; 2. High-level Overview; 3. Health Sector Perspectives; 4. Methods and Methodologies — From data ...
Advancing automated identification of airborne fungal spores: Guidelines for cultivation and reference dataset creation
study, part of SYLVA and COST Action ADOPT, addresses these gaps by establishing best practices for cultivating reference material and creating tailored datasets. Seventeen fungal species were tested on ...
A validation methodology for size and shape measurement of nanoplastics by transmission electron microscopy
± 4 nm), 3200A (202 ± 4 nm) and 3500A (510 ± 7 nm), purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific. They are part of a series of polystyrene micro/nanospheres with certified mean diameters traceable to the Standard ...
Characterization of functional nanoparticles applied in face masks by STEM-EDX
part of a composite material, however, this is not always correctly advertised [1]. In addition, the presence of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles, acting as a whitening and mattening agent, in ...
Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling
equally important. CV % values up to 50% are found in the southeastern parts of Belgium. By adding up all the model input uncertainties, including the impact of the catkins-ripening temperature, we obtain ...
Evaluation of European Pollen Reanalysis
of improvement. The analysis is performed at a few individual stations in different parts of Europe: Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Belgium, and Spain. The reanalysis was built using only assimilation of ...
Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests
which are part of the ICP Forests Level II network. The SPI n for the dominant tree genus was observed at 56 aerobiological monitoring stations in nearby cities. The net contribution of pollen was ...
Oncolytic Viruses: An Inventory of Shedding Data from Clinical Trials and Elements for the Environmental Risk Assessment.
assessment (ERA). An important element to be assessed as part of the ERA is the incidence of exposure to OV of individuals, other than the trial subjects, and the environment. The evidence-based evaluation of ...
Residential green space in association with the methylation status in a CpG site within the promoter region of the placental serotonin receptor HTR2A
Placenta Abstract: Green space could influence adult cognition and childhood neurodevelopment, and is hypothesized to be partly driven by epigenetic modifications. However, it remains unknown whether some of ...