Zoekresultaten - 56 results

Characterization of a Bacteriophage GEC_vB_Bfr_UZM3 Active against.

represent a strictly lytic phage belonging to a siphovirus morphotype. It is characterized by high stability at body temperature and in pH environments for about 6 h. Whole genome sequencing analysis of the ...

Microbiological safety of aged meat.

to a description of the different stages, data were collated on key parameters (time, temperature, pH and a) using a literature survey and questionnaires. The microbiological hazards that may be ...

Meningococcal pericarditis caused by the MenW:cc11 strain in an older adult.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Gaëlle Moerman; D Verleyen; Ph Rogiers; J Hoste; Wesley Mattheus; K Floré Source: Acta Clin Belg (2022) Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Invasive ...

Development and application of a novel method to assess exposure levels of sensitizing and irritating substances leaching from menstrual hygiene products

sensitizers and irritants leaching from MHP s under simulated use conditions. To assess the leaching of chemicals from MHP s, a menstrual fluid simulant (MFS) simulating pH, osmolarity and protein binding was ...

Dietary supplementation of tannin-extracts to lambs: effects on meat fatty acids composition and stability and on microbial characteristics.

evaluated; a diet without tannins represented the Control (C). Meat pH, vitamin E, intramuscular fat content and muscle fatty acid composition were determined. Oxidative stability and microbiological analyses ...

A systematic evaluation of Flow Field Flow Fractionation and single-particle ICP-MS to obtain the size distribution of organo-mineral iron oxyhydroxide colloids.

particle size with high resolution in a 1 mM NHHCO (pH 8.3) background and can detect Fe- NOM complexes <5 nm and organo-mineral FeOx particles ranging 5-300 nm. The sp- ICP- MS method had a size ...

A simple dilute-and-shoot method for screening and simultaneous quantification of nicotine and alkaloid impurities in electronic cigarette refills (e-liquids) by UHPLC-DAD

excluded. In addition, small changes to the column temperature, pH and molar concentration of the mobile phase buffer were deliberately introduced in order to assess the robustness of the method. Only ...

Sensitivity of African swine fever virus (ASFV) to heat, alkalinity and peroxide treatment in presence or absence of porcine plasma.

without peroxide (P). Time (T) dependent inactivation was evaluated in presence or absence of porcine plasma. HAPT-treatment at H = 48 °C, A = pH 10.2 and P = 20.6 or 102.9 mM HO during 10 min (T) ...

Chromatographic fingerprinting as a strategy to identify regulated plants in illegal herbal supplements.

Tribulus terrestris. The full factorial design demonstrated that for all three plant references a C8 column (250mm×4.6mm; 5µm particle size) is best suited; methanol and an ammonium formate buffer (pH 3) ...

Polyphosphates and Fulvates Enhance Environmental Stability of PO4-Bearing Colloidal Iron Oxyhydroxides.

or agricultural applications. Here, the stability of PO4-Fe- NP s (HFO /goethite) was determined across contrasting environmental conditions (pH, Ca concentration) and by using fulvates (FA) and ...

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