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Zoekresultaten - 751 results
Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.
dipsticks have a high negative but a low positive predictive value. C-reactive protein point-of-care testing is not recommended. Asymptomatic bacteriuria should not be screened for, in order to avoid ...
Antibiotic consumption patterns in older adults: a comparative study of people 65 years and older in and outside nursing homes, Belgium, 2016 to 2022.
antimicrobial treatments of longer duration and broader spectrum than recommended, higher rates of multidrug-resistant infections and poorer outcomes for resistant infections. Yet systematic, national monitoring ...
Guiding Document on cross-sectoral preparedness and response to biological and/or chemical terror attack
related recommendations. 1. Cross-sectoral emergency planning and governance (3 actions, 6 recommendations) 2. Cross-sectoral surveillance, joint risk assessment and information sharing (2 actions, 4 recommendations) 3. ...
Scientific reports, recommendations, guidance documents, directives and regulations, monographs and opinions FOS Classification: 3.03 Health sciences ...
Surveillance épidémiologique de la psittacose- 2023
Public Access Full text language: French Category: Scientific reports, recommendations, guidance documents, directives and regulations, monographs and opinions FOS Classification: 3.03 Health sciences ...
BY-COVID D5.1 Enriched report viral variants and health outcomes
text language: English Category: Scientific reports, recommendations, guidance documents, directives and regulations, monographs and opinions FOS Classification: 3 MEDICAL AND HEALTH SCIENCES ...
Overview of air quality measures aiming to reduce emissions from road traffic and mitigate health impact in Belgium
versions: File: Version: Post-print Full text access: Public Access Full text language: English Category: Scientific reports, recommendations, guidance documents, directives and regulations, monographs ...
Benchmarking bacterial taxonomic classification using nanopore metagenomics data of several mock communities
Although few classifiers designed for long reads exist, they generally exhibit better performance. Our comprehensive benchmarking provides concrete recommendations, supported by publicly available code for ...
Could a ring treatment approach be proposed to control Taenia solium transmission in a post elimination setting? A pilot study in Zambia.
recommendations to public health authorities can be given. Health Topics: Health and disease monitoring Surveillance de la santé et des maladies Ziekten en gezondheid in kaart brengen Manuscript versions: DOI: ...
Which government policies to create sustainable food systems have the potential to simultaneously address undernutrition, obesity and environmental sustainability?
including (i) a compilation of international policy recommendations, (ii) an online survey, (iii) four regional workshops with international experts and (iv) a ranking for prioritisation. Policies were ...