Zoekresultaten - 10 results

Aanpak van urineweginfecties in woonzorgcentra in België: praktische adviezen op basis van 2 studies

International studies report a high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, urinary tract infections and antimicrobial use for the prevention and treatment of these infections in nursing home residents. The ...

Pre-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among staff and residents of nursing homes in Flanders (Belgium) in fall 2020

Elizaveta Padalko; Tom Geens; Piet Cools Source: Epidemiology and Infection, Volume 150 (2022) Keywords: Belgium nursing homes SARS-CoV-2 serology Abstract: Seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome ...

Poor antibody response to BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 naïve residents of nursing homes.

Goriely; Maria Goossens; Ariën, Kevin K; I Desombere; Arnaud Marchant Source: Clin Infect Dis (2021) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Residents of nursing homes (NH) are at high risk of COVID-19 related morbidity and ...

Iodine deficiency among Belgian pregnant women not fully corrected by iodine-containing multivitamins: a national cross-sectional survey.

design. Urine samples were collected and a general questionnaire was completed face to face with the study nurse. The median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) among pregnant women (n 1311) was 124.1mg/l ...

Determinants of folate status in pregnant women: results from a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.

proportionate-to-size sampling design. Blood samples were collected and a questionnaire was completed face-to-face with a study nurse. Erythrocyte (red blood cell (RBC)) folate concentration was measured ...

Fourth WHO-coordinated survey of human milk for persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Belgian results

mothers n nursing occurrence old older ON organic organization organochlorine Organochlorine pesticides ORIGIN p Paper Participation PBDE PCB Pcbs PCDD/F People PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS pesticide ...

Socio-economic differences in the utilisation of health services in Belgium.

socio-economic groups make more often use of the general practitioner and nursing care at home and are more often admitted to hospital than persons with a high socio-economical status. There is, however, no ...

Revealing regional differences in the institutionalization of adult patients in homes for the elderly and nursing homes: results of the Belgian network of sentinel GPs.

Belgium Female Home Care Services Homes for the Aged Hospitalization Humans Institutionalization Male nursing homes Physicians, Family Sentinel Surveillance Waiting Lists Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The aim of ...

IPAAC Rapport WP4: Cancer control policy interview survey

and the effectiveness of population-based screening programs. Some countries, as well as the scientific community, are investigating the possibility of shifting to high-risk stratified screening ...

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