Zoekresultaten - 10 results
Aanpak van urineweginfecties in woonzorgcentra in België: praktische adviezen op basis van 2 studies
International studies report a high prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria, urinary tract infections and antimicrobial use for the prevention and treatment of these infections in nursing home residents. The ...
Linking health survey data with health insurance data: methodology, challenges, opportunities and recommendations for public health research. An experience from the HISlink project in Belgium
longitudinal study (e.g. identifying predictors of nursing home admission among older BHIS participants). The linkage of both data sources combines their strengths but does not overcome all weaknesses.The ...
Pre-vaccination SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among staff and residents of nursing homes in Flanders (Belgium) in fall 2020
Elizaveta Padalko; Tom Geens; Piet Cools Source: Epidemiology and Infection, Volume 150 (2022) Keywords: Belgium nursing homes SARS-CoV-2 serology Abstract: Seroprevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome ...
Poor antibody response to BioNTech/Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination in SARS-CoV-2 naïve residents of nursing homes.
Goriely; Maria Goossens; Ariën, Kevin K; I Desombere; Arnaud Marchant Source: Clin Infect Dis (2021) Abstract: BACKGROUND: Residents of nursing homes (NH) are at high risk of COVID-19 related morbidity and ...
Iodine deficiency among Belgian pregnant women not fully corrected by iodine-containing multivitamins: a national cross-sectional survey.
design. Urine samples were collected and a general questionnaire was completed face to face with the study nurse. The median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) among pregnant women (n 1311) was 124.1mg/l ...
Determinants of folate status in pregnant women: results from a national cross-sectional survey in Belgium.
proportionate-to-size sampling design. Blood samples were collected and a questionnaire was completed face-to-face with a study nurse. Erythrocyte (red blood cell (RBC)) folate concentration was measured ...
Fourth WHO-coordinated survey of human milk for persistent organic pollutants (POPs): Belgian results
mothers n nursing occurrence old older ON organic organization organochlorine Organochlorine pesticides ORIGIN p Paper Participation PBDE PCB Pcbs PCDD/F People PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS pesticide ...
Socio-economic differences in the utilisation of health services in Belgium.
socio-economic groups make more often use of the general practitioner and nursing care at home and are more often admitted to hospital than persons with a high socio-economical status. There is, however, no ...
Revealing regional differences in the institutionalization of adult patients in homes for the elderly and nursing homes: results of the Belgian network of sentinel GPs.
Belgium Female Home Care Services Homes for the Aged Hospitalization Humans Institutionalization Male nursing homes Physicians, Family Sentinel Surveillance Waiting Lists Abstract: OBJECTIVES: The aim of ...
IPAAC Rapport WP4: Cancer control policy interview survey
and the effectiveness of population-based screening programs. Some countries, as well as the scientific community, are investigating the possibility of shifting to high-risk stratified screening ...