Zoekresultaten - 50 results

Unlocking the genomic landscape: Results of the Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) pilot in Belgium towards Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI)

Belgium Beyond 1 Million Genomes Genomic Data Infrastructure implementation Abstract: Abstract Genomic medicine has great potential to offer insights into how humans’ genetic variation can affect their ...

Strain-level characterization without culture enrichment? Easing and accelerating outbreak investigation using shotgun metagenomics facilitated with nanopore adaptive sampling

adaptive sampling, following whole genome amplification to increase the amount of genetic material to meet sequencing standards. The strain-level data analysis was performed as previously described (Buytaers ...

Development of Digital Droplet PCR Targeting the Influenza H3N2 Oseltamivir-Resistant E119V Mutation and Its Performance through the Use of Reverse Genetics Mutants.

Furthermore, reverse genetics viruses carrying this mutation were created to test the performance of the RT-ddPCR assay and compare it to the standard phenotypic NA assay. We also discuss the advantage of using ...

Development of strain-level shotgun metagenomics approaches to detect and characterize microbiological contaminants in the context of food safety

based on the sequencing of all genetic material of the sample without isolation has become available some years ago, e.g. shotgun metagenomics. It allows to get a screenshot of every microbiological ...

Development of a taxon-specific real-time PCR method targeting the Bacillus subtilis group to strengthen the control of genetically modified bacteria in fermentation products

flavorings Bacillus subtilis group Enzymes food and feed safety concerns real-time PCR detection Unauthorized genetically modified microorganisms Abstract: Most of the bacteria that are used to produce ...

Redesign and Validation of a Real-Time RT-PCR to Improve Surveillance for Avian Influenza Viruses of the H9 Subtype.

The availability of reliable and updated diagnostic tools for H9 surveillance is thus paramount to ensure the prompt identification of this subtype. The genetic variability of H9 represents a challenge ...

Phylogenetic Analysis of Belgian Small Ruminant Lentiviruses Supports Cross Species Virus Transmission and Identifies New Subtype B5 Strains.

standards to ensure the correct classification of current and new emerging strains. The genetic characterization of Belgian SRLV strains will help in the development of appropriate diagnostic tools to assist ...

NGS for (Hemato-) Oncology in Belgium: Evaluation of Laboratory Performance and Feasibility of a National External Quality Assessment Program

BRCA1 / BRCA2 genes, were sent to Belgian human genetics, anatomic pathology, and clinical biology laboratories, to be processed following routine practices, together with surveys covering technical ...

Selection of a Noninvasive Source of Human DNA Envisaging Genotyping Assays in Epidemiological Studies: Urine or Saliva?

Biomolecular Techniques: JBT, Volume 31, Issue 1 (2020) Keywords: Biomarkers children. genetic epidemiology Genotype Real-time PCR Abstract: Genetic epidemiology requires an appropriate approach to measure ...

Confronting Risk of Bias in RF Bioeffects Research. Comments on Two Papers by Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda

https://doi.org/10.1667/ RR15478.1 In two meritorious published articles (1, 2), Vijayalaxmi and Prihoda reviewed 225 published laboratory studies with a total of 2,160 individual tests on genetic damage to mammalian cells ...

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