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Zoekresultaten - 63 results

Neurocysticercosis school outbreak in Belgium.

Publication Type: Peer reviewed scientific article Authors: Vanden Driessche, Koen; Dermauw, Veronique; Schoonjans, An-Sofie; Gabriël, Sarah; Theeten, Heidi; Cysticercosis Outbreak Team; Valeska ...

Orphanet Belgium Team, Highlights in 2024

Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Annabelle Calomme; Kim Van Roey Source: Orphanet International Annual Meeting, Orphanet, Issue Orphanet (2024) Health Topics:  Weesziekten Maladies orphelines Orphan diseases Service ...

Flemish consensus statement on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections in older nursing home residents.

in a collaborative effort between the Flemish Hospital Outbreak Support Teams, the Flemish Agency for Care and Health, the Association of the Flemish Coordinating and Advising General Practitioners, ...


Publication Type: Sci. report, recommendat°, guidance doc., directive, monograph Authors: Christelle Vercheval; Caroline Briquet; Elena Damian; Diana Huis In 't Veld; Lucy Catteau Source: Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, p.15 (2024) Accession Number: D/ ...

Protocol Be-MOMO in woonzorgcentra

Belgium, p.15 (2024) Keywords: Be-MOMO COVID-19 Excess mortality Heat-related mortality mortality Surveillance Abstract: Samenwerking tussen het Be- MOMO team bij Sciensano en Statbel (Belgische ...

The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2

have contributed to each part, primarily from the European Union, as well as others from the global community of practice. The Cookbook has been drafted by a global team of authors, with one or more lead ...

Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute Care Hospitals: Results of the 2022 ECDC Point Prevalence Survey

All patients present in surveyed wards at 8 a.m. on the PPS day and not discharged at that time were included. Infection prevention and control teams collected comprehensive data on hospitals, wards, ...

Thirty years of epidemiological surveillance of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Belgian hospitals: are we able to keep on lowering the curve?

hospital’s microbiology laboratoriesand/or infection prevention and control (IPC) teams. Both invasive and non-invasive samples are included and each patientis counted only once per hospitalisation period. ...

Policy brief Belgian EBCP Mirror Group: children, adolescents and young adults with cancer

reviewed, and those for Adolescents and Young Adults need to be developed with close collaboration between paediatric and adult oncology and haematology teams. This needs to be done considering the entire ...

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