Zoekresultaten - 8 results

Identification of valid and multidimensional quality indicators in diabetic foot care, useful to study quality of care in diabetic foot clinics- SQUIRMYFOOT (Scope of quality of care monitoring in the treatment of the diabetic foot)

Publication Type: Dissertation Authors: Flora Mbela Lusendi Source: Sciensano (2024) Health Topics:  Quality of healthcare Qualité des soins de santé Kwaliteit van de gezondheidszorg Diabetes Diabète Diabetes Service:  Étude des soins de santé Gezondheids ...

Evolution of patient characteristics and outcomes concerning diabetic foot ulcer care in Belgium between 2008 and 2020

study the epidemiology of diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) and monitor/improve quality of care. We investigated how patient and foot characteristics, treatment and outcome evolved between 2008 and 2020. ...

Sex differences in diabetic foot ulcer severity and outcome in Belgium

increasingly recognized to play an important role in the epidemiology, treatment and outcomes of many diseases. This study aims to describe differences between sexes in patient characteristics, ulcer severity ...

The COVID-19 pandemic minimally interfered with delivery of care and did not result in worse outcomes of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium

the lockdown on DFU severity was limited to larger lesions. This second phase investigates the impact of the lockdown on the treatment and outcome of DFU. Method: Within the national care quality ...

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the presentation rate and severity of diabetic foot ulcers in Belgium

and the impact of the lockdown on the severity of the DFU at presentation was limited to slightly larger wounds. Currently, treatment and outcome data of these patients are being collected and will be ...

Declining offloading rates in Belgian Recognized Diabetic Foot Clinics (RDFC): results from an audit-feedback quality improvement initiative.

offloading is the cornerstone of DFU treatment these results are worrying, although overall off-loading rates were comparable to those reported in Eurodiale. Efforts are needed to understand and tackle the ...

Clinical action measures improve the reliability of feedback on quality of care in diabetes centres: a retrospective cohort study.

target. Patients met the CAM when their index value was below target or above target but for whom treatment initiation or intensification, or possible contraindication, was indicated. RESULTS: Based on the ...

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