Zoekresultaten - 20 results
A validation methodology for size and shape measurement of nanoplastics by transmission electron microscopy
the uncertainty related to repeatability (within day) and uncertainty related to day-to-day variations (between day) obtained by ANOVA analysis. Adding the uncertainty related to calibration of the ...
What drives the long-term changes in airborne birch and grass pollen levels in Belgium?
two scenarios: 1. Reference Scenario (i): SILAM was run for 38 seasons with a fixed emission map of birch and grass pollen sources. Variations in airborne pollen levels result solely from changes in ...
Analyzing the airborne birch and grass pollen monitoring network in Belgium
of monitoring stations for birch pollen is good, although large differences exist across the 2013–2021 seasons, likely due to significant inter-seasonal variations in birch pollen production. For grass ...
Estimating the Uncertainty in Airborne Birch Pollen Modelling
input data and ECMWF ERA5 meteorological data. The relative Coefficient of Variation (CV %) is used as a measure for uncertainty. The studied key model input datasets that drive the birch pollen ...
First European pollen reanalysis for allergenic trees
are used to reconstruct the year-to-year variations of alder (Alnus), birch (Betula), and olive (Olea) levels over Europe from the 1980 till 2022. The SILAM model (System for Integrated modeLling of ...
The search for the best airborne pollen monitoring locations
inter-seasonal variation in birch pollen production. For grass pollen, the average coverage is better, and the inter-seasonal variation much lower. Health Topics: Health and environment Santé et environnement ...
Spatial configuration of green space matters: Associations between urban land cover and air temperature
regulate diurnal air temperature variations and the cooling potential of urban green spaces. Using a spatially-dense citizen science weather station network in Leuven (Belgium), mean night temperature, mean ...
Assessing uncertainty in airborne birch pollen modelling
expected? Here, we assess the uncertainty in modelling airborne birch pollen levels near the surface using SILAM in a Monte Carlo error approach summarized by the relative Coefficient of Variation (CV %) as ...
Residential Exposure to Urban Trees and Medication Sales for Mood Disorders and Cardiovascular Disease in Brussels, Belgium: An Ecological Study
used to investigate associations between the number of trees, the crown volume, tree structural variation, and medication sales. Models were run separately for mood disorder and cardiovascular medication ...
Mapping abundance distributions of allergenic tree species in urbanized landscapes: A nation-wide study for Belgium using forest inventory and citizen science data
variations of abundance distributions both within the urban fabric and along the urban–rural gradient. Species abundance modelling can offer a better understanding of the existing and potential future allergy ...