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Zoekresultaten - 9 results
Genomic comparison between and and analysis of peptide-based biomarkers for serodiagnosis.
80 genes showed presence-absence variation between the two species, including genes encoding Proline-Glutamate (PE), Proline-Proline-Glutamate (PPE), and Polymorphic GC-Rich Sequence (PE- PGRS) ...
Orbivirus Screening from Imported Captive Oryx in the United Arab Emirates Stresses the Importance of Pre-Import and Transit Measures
local variation regarding BTV seroprevalence in domestic and wild ruminants in the Arabian Peninsula. These results stress the need for pre-import risk assessment when considering translocation of wild ...
Metagenomic sequencing determines complete infectious bronchitis virus (avian Gammacoronavirus) vaccine strain genomes and associated viromes in chicken clinical samples.
segment B closely related to D3976 /1 from Germany, 2017) and avian orthoreovirus, while three avian orthoavulavirus 1 reads confirmed prior real-time RT- PCR result. IBV sequence variation analysis ...
Longitudinal monitoring of Culicoides in Belgium between 2007 and 2011: local variation in population dynamics parameters warrant cautious use of monitoring data.
population monitoring. Recently a one year monitoring study at 16 sites in Belgium revealed that important variation existed in Culicoides abundance and species diversity between collection sites. In order to ...
Extensive genetic variability linked to IS26 insertions in the fljB promoter region of atypical monophasic variants of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.
P Wattiau Source: Appl Environ Microbiol, Volume 81, Issue 9, Number 3175, p.3169-75 (2015) Keywords: Animals Belgium DNA Transposable Elements DNA, Bacterial Flagellin Genetic Variation Meat Molecular ...
A dynamic model to calculate cadmium concentrations in bovine tissues from basic soil characteristics.
was able to account for 65%, 42% and 32% of the variation in observed kidney, liver and meat Cd concentrations in the validation study. Health Topics: Heavy metals Health and environment Animal health ...
Doublecortin as a marker of adult neuroplasticity in the canary song control nucleus HVC.
photoperiodic condition (photosensitive vs photostimulated vs photorefractory). Thus, in canaries the endocrine state, as well as the social or photoperiodic condition independently of variation in steroid ...
The microtubule-associated protein doublecortin is broadly expressed in the telencephalon of adult canaries.
that the largest nuclei are observed in the late spring and early summer. This variation is based on changes in cell size, dendritic branching, and, in nucleus HVC, on the incorporation of neurons newly ...
Isolation of Drug-Resistant Gallibacterium anatis from Calves with Unresponsive Bronchopneumonia, Belgium.
predicted plasmids. Single-nucleotide polymorphism genotyping revealed large genetic variation between the G. anatis isolates, including isolates retrieved from the same farm. G. anatis might play a hitherto ...