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Filters: Author is Katia Pauwels
Oncolytic Viruses: An Inventory of Shedding Data from Clinical Trials and Elements for the Environmental Risk Assessment.,
, Vaccines (Basel), 2023 Sep 01, Volume 11, Issue 9, (2023)
Environmental Risk Assessment of Recombinant Viral Vector Vaccines against SARS-Cov-2,
, Vaccines, Jan-05-2021, Volume 9, Issue 5, (2021)
GMO Regulatory Aspects of Novel Investigational Vaccine Candidates,
, Vaccines - the History and Future’, (2019)
Genome Editing in Agriculture: Methods, Applications, and Governance—A paper in the series on The Need for Agricultural Innovation to Sustainably Feed the World by 2050,
, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST), 2018, Volume 60, Issue 60, (2018)
Annual polio report for the European Regional Certification Commission for the year 2015. National Certification Committee Belgium,
, 01/04/2016, Brussels, p.49, (2016)
Annual polio report for the European Regional Certification Commission for the year 2014. National Certification Committee Belgium.,
, 1/4/2015, Number 39, Brussels, p.39, (2015)
Biosafety Recommendations on the Handling of Animal Cell Cultures,
, Animal Cell Culture, 1/1/2015, Volume 9, Issue 22, Number 716, Switzerland, p.27, (2015)
GAP III - The WHO poliovirus containment policy : Implications and implementation in Belgium,
, Werkgroep vaccinatie, 19/3/2015, Issue Hogegezondheidsraad, (2015)
Next-generation sequencing as a tool for the molecular characterisation and risk assessment of genetically modified plants: Added value or not?,
, Trends Food Sci. Technol., Volume 45, Issue 2, p.319 - 326, (2015)
Opinion on Synthetic Biology II - Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects,
, 4/5/2015, Number 65, Luxembourg, p.65, (2015)
Engineering nucleases for gene targeting: safety and regulatory considerations.,
, N Biotechnol, 2014 Jan 25, Volume 31, Issue 1, Number 27, p.18-27, (2014)
Opinion on Synthetic Biology - I. Definition,
, 25/9/2014, Number 67, Luxembours, p.67, (2014)
Biosafety risk assessment and management of laboratory-derived influenza A (H5N1) viruses transmissible in ferrets,
, Applied Biosafety, 3/2013, Volume 18, Issue 1, Number 17, (2013)
Environmental risk assessment of clinical trials involving modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-based vectors.,
, Curr Gene Ther, 2013 Dec, Volume 13, Issue 6, p.413-20, (2013)
Event report: SynBio Workshop (Paris 2012) - Risk assessment challenges of Synthetic Biology,
, J.Verbr.Lebensm., 0/0/2013, Volume 8, Number 226, p.215 - 226, (2013)
General considerations on the biosafety of virus-derived vectors used in gene therapy and vaccination.,
, Curr Gene Ther, 2013 Dec, Volume 13, Issue 6, Number 394, p.385-94, (2013)
Organisation of expertise for the risk evaluation of biosafety dossiers in Belgium,
, 14/5/2013, (2013)
Are 'Omics' contributing to the identification of unintended effects in genetically modified crops?2743,
, Biosafety, 15/2/2012, Volume 1, Issue 1, (2012)
Biosafety aspects of modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)-based vectors used for gene therapy or vaccination.,
, Vaccine, 2012 Mar 30, Volume 30, Issue 16, p.2623-32, (2012)
Synthetic Biology. Latest developments, biosafety considerations and regulatory challenges,
, 0/0/2012, Number 43, Brussels, Belgium, p.43, (2012)
De Europese regelgeving inzake GGO's in het licht van nieuwe technieken van genetische modificatie2769,
, ILVO Nieuwsgolf, 0/0/2010, Volume Sept 2010, (2010)
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium.,
, Rev Sci Tech, 2010 Dec, Volume 29, Issue 3, p.513-22, (2010)
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium,
, 0/0/2010, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number 140, Brussels, p.5, (2010)
Methodology of the biological risk classification of animal pathogens in Belgium,
, 0/0/2010, Volume 2008-2009, Number 140, Brussels, p.135 - 140, (2010)
New techniques of genetic modification and the GMO definition,
, 0/0/2010, Volume WIV-ISP Scientific Report 2008-2009, Number 146, Brussels, p.144 - 146, (2010)