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Filters: Author is Wim Coucke
Belgian rare diseases plan in clinical pathology: identification of key biochemical diagnostic tests and establishment of reference laboratories and financing conditions., Vandevelde, N.M., Vermeersch Pieter, Devreese Katrien M. J., Vincent Marie-Françoise, Gulbis Béatrice, Eyskens François, Boemer François, Gothot André, Van Hoof Viviane O., Bonroy Carolien, et al. , Orphanet J Rare Dis, 2021 Feb 17, Volume 16, Issue 1, (2021)
Coverage of the national surveillance system for human Salmonella infections, Belgium, 2016-2020., Van Goethem, Nina, Van den Bossche An, Ceyssens Pieter-Jan, Lajot Adrien, Coucke Wim, Vernelen Kris, Roosens Nancy, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Van Cauteren Dieter, and Mattheus Wesley , PLoS One, 2021, Volume 16, Issue 8, (2021)
Frequency of Participation in External Quality Assessment Programs Focused on Rare Diseases: Belgian Guidelines for Human Genetics Centers., Lantoine, Joséphine, Brysse Anne, Dideberg Vinciane, Claes Kathleen, Symoens Sofie, Coucke Wim, Benoit Valérie, Rombout Sonia, De Rycke Marine, Seneca Sara, et al. , JMIR Med Inform, 2021 Jul 12, Volume 9, Issue 7, (2021)
Strategy and Performance Evaluation of Low-Frequency Variant Calling for SARS-CoV-2 Using Targeted Deep Illumina Sequencing, Van Poelvoorde, Laura, Delcourt Thomas, Coucke Wim, Herman Philippe, De Keersmaecker Sigrid C. J., Saelens Xavier, Roosens Nancy, and Vanneste Kevin , Frontiers in Microbiology, Jan-10-2022, Volume 12, (2021)
Demystifying EQA statistics and reports., Coucke, Wim, and Soumali Mohamed Rida , Biochem Med (Zagreb), 2017 Feb 15, Volume 27, Issue 1, p.37-48, (2017)
The fate of buccal bone around dental implants. A 12-month postloading follow-up study., Merheb, Joe, Vercruyssen Marjolein, Coucke Wim, Beckers Ludovic, Teughels Wim, and Quirynen Marc , Clin Oral Implants Res, 2017 Jan, Volume 28, Issue 1, p.103-108, (2017)
A more sensitive, efficient and ISO 17025 validated Magnetic Capture real time PCR method for the detection of archetypal Toxoplasma gondii strains in meat., Gisbert Algaba, I., Geerts Manon, Jennes Malgorzata, Coucke Wim, Opsteegh Marieke, Cox Eric, Dorny Pierre, Dierick Katelijne, and De Craeye Stéphane , Int J Parasitol, 2017 Jul 08, (2017)
A new approach to define acceptance limits for hematology in external quality assessment schemes., Soumali, Mohamed Rida, Van Blerk Marjan, Akharif Abdelhadi, Albarède Stéphanie, Kesseler Dagmar, Gutierrez Gabriela, de la Salle Barbara, Plum Inger, Guyard Anne, Favia Ana Paula, et al. , Clin Chem Lab Med, 2017 Oct 26, Volume 55, Issue 12, p.1936-1942, (2017)
Peer groups splitting in Croatian EQA scheme: a trade-off between homogeneity and sample size numberAbstractBackground:Methods:Results:Conclusions:, Tanasković, Jelena Vlašić, Coucke Wim, Leniček Krleža Jasna, and Rodriguez Jadranka Vuković , Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM), Jan-01-2017, Volume 5522461, Issue 4, (2017)
The role of methylation, DNA polymorphisms and microRNAs on HLA-G expression in human embryonic stem cells., Verloes, A, Spits C, Vercammen M, Geens M, LeMaoult J, Sermon K, Coucke Wim, and Van de Velde H , Stem Cell Res, 2017 Mar, Volume 19, p.118-127, (2017)
Three-dimensional aesthetic assessment of class II patients before and after orthognathic surgery and its association with quantitative surgical changes., Storms, A S., Vansant L, Shaheen E, Coucke Wim, M de Llano-Pérula Cadenas, Jacobs R, Politis C, and Willems G , Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2017 Jul 24, (2017)
Zona pellucida gene mRNA expression in human oocytes is related to oocyte maturity, zona inner layer retardance and fertilization competence., Canosa, S, Adriaenssens T, Coucke Wim, Dalmasso P, Revelli A, Benedetto C, and Smitz J , Mol Hum Reprod, 2017 May 01, Volume 23, Issue 5, p.292-303, (2017)
Acceptance sampling theory applied to EQA sample homogeneity testing, Coucke, Wim, Bernard C., Demarteau M., Ghislain V, Lenga Yolande, Vandevelde N.M., Verbeke H., and Van Campenhout C. , EQALM Meeting 2015, 8/10/2015, Issue EQALM, European Organisation For External Quality Assurance Providers in Laboratory Medicine, NA, (2015)
The accuracy of guided surgery via mucosa-supported stereolithographic surgical templates in the hands of surgeons with little experience., Van de Wiele, Gerlinde, Teughels Wim, Vercruyssen Marjolein, Coucke Wim, Temmerman Andy, and Quirynen Marc , Clin Oral Implants Res, 2015 Dec, Volume 26, Issue 12, p.1489-94, (2015)
Accuracy of linear measurements using three imaging modalities: two lateral cephalograms and one 3D model from CBCT data., Pittayapat, Pisha, Bornstein Michael M., Sumie Nozu Imada Thaís, Coucke Wim, Lambrichts Ivo, and Jacobs Reinhilde , Eur J Orthod, 2015 Apr, Volume 37, Issue 2, p.202-8, (2015)
Annual Report 2014. External quality assessment. Trace elements in serum, Whole blood and Urine., China, Bernard, Coucke Wim, and Soumali Mohamed Rida , 31/7/2015, Bruxelles, p.38, (2015)
Application of the characteristic function to evaluate and compare analytical variability in an external quality assessment scheme for serum ethanol., Coucke, Wim, Charlier Corine, Lambert Willy, Martens Frank, Neels Hugo, Tytgat Jan, Van de Walle P, Vanescote André, Wallemacq Pierre, Wille Sarah, et al. , Clin Chem, 2015 Jul, Volume 61, Issue 7, p.948-54, (2015)

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