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Filters: Author is H. Verbeke
Acceptance sampling theory applied to EQA sample homogeneity testing, Coucke, Wim, Bernard C., Demarteau M., Ghislain V, Lenga Yolande, Vandevelde N.M., Verbeke H., and Van Campenhout C. , EQALM Meeting 2015, 8/10/2015, Issue EQALM, European Organisation For External Quality Assurance Providers in Laboratory Medicine, NA, (2015)
Evolution of the implementation of a quality management system in the Belgian laboratories for anatomic pathology, Verbeke, H., Ghislain V, Coucke Wim, Van Campenhout C., and Van de Walle P , Belgian Week of pathology, 21/10/2015, Issue Belgian Society of Pathology, (2015)
First Belgian national EQA for special stains in histopathology, Ghislain, V, Egele C., Verbeke H., Coucke Wim, Michiels J.F., Bellocq JP, Galant C., Pauwels P., Pétein M., Van den Heule B., et al. , Belgian Week of Pathology, 21/10/2015, Issue UGent, NA, (2015)
Solution powered by PathXL in the context of the External Quality Assessments in Belgium, Verbeke, H. , PathXL user group meeting, 16/4/2015, Issue PathXL, NA, (2015)
Stand van zaken erkenningen en nationaal EKE programma, Verbeke, H., and Ghislain V , Symposium coupe-rondzending, 29/5/2015, Issue OLV Ziekenhuis Aalst, NA, (2015)

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