Chasing notifiable avian influenza in domestic poultry: a case report of low-pathogenic avian influenza h5 viruses in two Belgian holdings.

Last updated on 15-8-2023 by Anonymous (not verified)

Peer reviewed scientific article



In December 2008, bird species in two geographically distant holdings were found positive for H5 viruses following the annual Avian influenza serological screening in Belgium. The virological tests performed identified in one holding a low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) virus subtype H5N2, and a H5 LPAI virus was identified by real-time PCR and direct sequencing at the second holding. The first farm was an outdoor mixed holding housing ornamental birds and poultry (n = 6000) and the second a free-range geese breeding farm (n = 1500). No clinical signs or mortalities were reported. Contro…

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