Dietary exposure of Sorbates (E 200 – 202) and Benzoates (E 210 – 213) for the Belgian population

Last updated on 5-2-2024 by Salvatore Ciano

Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding




Sorbates (E 200 – 202) and benzoates (E 210 — 213) are commonly used food additives (FAs). They act as bacteriostatic and fungistatic, and they ensure product quality. Also, they contribute to reducing food waste by extending the shelf-life of perishable items. However, Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 requires the Member States to monitor the consumption and use of FAs using a risk-based approach and communicate the results to the European Commission and the National authorities. So, this study assessed the analytical concentration of sorbates (SA) and benzoates (BA) in food and beverages from…

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