Immunity and effect of clopidol/methyl benzoquate and robenidine before and after weaning on rabbit coccidiosis in the field.

Last updated on 22-8-2019 by Anonymous (not verified)

Peer reviewed scientific article



For 15 months the anticoccidial effect of 200 ppm clopidol/methyl benzoquate and of 50 ppm robenidine, and the development of immunity against five different species of Eimeria were followed in a closed rabbit population. In unmedicated rabbits, oocyst output decreased progressively with increasing age to a very low level in animals older than four months, but none of the species present disappeared completely in adult animals. No clinical symptoms nor mortality from coccidiosis was noted in reproduction stock. In field conditions E magna and E perforans seemed to induce the weakest resista…

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