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Search results - 547 results

Metagenomics-based tracing of genetically modified microorganism contaminations in commercial fermentation products

product were detected. Presence of AMR genes in the samples was strongly associated with GMM contamination, emphasizing the potential public health risk. Additionally, a variety of other microbial ...

Speeding up drug susceptibility testing in Mycobacterium tuberculosis using RNA biomarkers

testing [pDST] for Mycobacterium tuberculosis [TB], we introduce TRAC eR- TB, a test that infers drug resistance from antibiotic-specific mRNA biomarkers. Methods To develop TRAC eR- TB, target genes were ...

Physicochemical characterization and genotoxicity assessment of nanomaterials using new approach methodologies

genotoxic or non-genotoxic based on gene expression data. In addition, a high-content method to simultaneously assess several genotoxicity parameters (e.g. ɣH2AX, PH3,…) with the Cytek-Amnis ImageStream ...

Emergence of ST131 carrying carbapenemase genes, European Union/European Economic Area, August 2012 to May 2024.

(ST)131 and its single locus variants carrying carbapenemase genes from 17 European Union/European Economic Area countries revealed acquisition of 18 carbapenemase variants, mainly in ST131 clades A and C. ...

Retrospective surveillance of viable Bacillus cereus group contaminations in commercial food and feed vitamin B2 products sold on the Belgian market using whole-genome sequencing

whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and subsequently characterized in terms of sequence type (ST), virulence gene profile, antimicrobial resistance (AMR) gene profile, plasmid content, and phylogenomic relationships. ...

Assessment of receptor-mediated activity (AhR and ERα), mutagenicity, and teratogenicity of metal shredder wastes in Wallonia, Belgium.

bioactivities and estrogenic receptor (ER α) (ant)agonistic bioactivities in the respective CALUX (chemical activated luciferase gene expression) bioassays. The mutagenicity of the samples was investigated with ...

Unraveling clonal CD8 T cell expansion and identification of essential factors in γ-herpesvirus-induced lymphomagenesis.

expansion of infected CD8 T cells displaying effector and exhaustion gene signatures, including GZMA, GNLY, PD-1, and TOX2 expression. Then, among viral genes expressed in infected CD8 T cells, we uncovered ...

The International cookbook for wastewater practitioners- Vol. 1 SARS-CoV-2

other pathogens and genes. There are many journal articles and other publications describing these innovations. However, valuable lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic for WBS have not been systematically ...

Genomic comparison between and and analysis of peptide-based biomarkers for serodiagnosis.

whole genome sequencing (WGS) was used to search for protein-coding genes to distinguish from. In addition, the population structure of the available genomic WGS datasets is described, including three ...

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