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Search results - 685 results
Sample preparation methods for elemental analysis in electronic cigarette aerosols: a critical review
carcinogens, were present in these aerosols. To ensure the accuracy of dose-toxicity estimations, it is essential to have access to reliable and reproducible methods for estimating the dose in question. Although ...
Linking animal and human health burden: challenges and opportunities
associated with the agricultural industry, such as pharmaceuticals and climate change. For each process, the current state of the art and feasibility of global DALY-associated estimates are discussed. Existing ...
Unraveling social health inequalities during COVID-19 in Belgium: the vital role of data linkages
many challenges, we were faced with complicated approval procedures, ambiguous data security guidelines, unclear cost estimates, and technical issues related to the analysis environment. Building on ...
Establishing disease models for the Belgian national burden of disease study: challenges and perspectives
currently provides disease burden estimates for 38 key diseases. The calculation of the non-fatal component of the disease burden, the Years Lived with Disability (YLD), follows a stepwise approach that aims ...
The burden of psoriasis in Belgium, 2021
on healthcare systems. Given the limitations of the currently available burden estimates, estimates of the Belgian national burden of disease study are necessary in order to guide decision-making ...
Burden of inflammatory bowel disease in Belgium, 2020
for more accurate disease burden estimates to guide decision-making processes within the health sector. As a part of the Belgian national burden of disease study (BeBOD), this study aims to estimate the ...
The data layer: the importance of sources critical appraisal
collected at regional or national level? Are there mechanisms for yearly or periodic updates? To establish the most accurate national prevalence estimates for each outcome, we often need to adjust for data ...
Estimated number of COVID-19 deaths averted by vaccination in Belgium
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Veerle Stouten; Izaak Van Evercooren; Catharina Vernemmen; Toon Braeye; Matthieu Billuart; Lucy Catteau; Natalia Bustos Sierra; Elias Vermeiren; Léonore Nasiadka; Joris Van Loenhout ...
Estimation of Environmental Burden of Disease related to Arsenic exposure in European Populations
Publication Type: Scientific poster, presentation or proceeding Authors: Rafiqa Benchrih; Buekers, J; Claire Demoury; Martins, C; Purece, A; Thomsen, S T; Nadia Waegeneers; Eva M De Clercq; Brecht Devleesschauwer Source: European Journal of Public Health, ...
The GEN-ERA toolbox: unified and reproducible workflows for research in microbial genomics
contamination estimation, to tree reconstruction. It also offers workflows for average nucleotide identity comparisons and metabolic modeling. Technical details: Nextflow workflows are launched by a single ...