How to submit a batch for batch control

Last updated on 27-6-2024 by Pierre Daubresse

Once a diagnostic reagent has passed the initial control of the certification procedure each new batch must be submitted to Sciensano for the second phase of the certification procedure: batch control. Only batches that pass batch control can be released for sale on the Belgian market in the framework of official programs.

In Belgium, Sciensano’s service Coordination of Veterinary Activities manages the batch control of certified veterinary diagnostic ELISA kits, in collaboration with the National Reference Laboratories.

How to request a batch control:

  1. Fill in the request form
  2. the completed request form, to schedule your batch control.
  3. Prepare your shipment. A package must contain:
    1. A paper copy of the PDF icon request form
    2. For each batch at least 10 plates, plus 6 extra plates for every additional protocol
  4. Send your batches to:
    Groeselenberg 99
    1180 Brussels

A batch evaluation takes 20 working days, after receipt of your shipment. You receive a certificate for each batch control.

A diagnostic reagent which passed the two phases of the certification procedure is added to the list of certified kits and validated batches

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