Sciensano & Chickenpox and shingles

Last updated on 17-8-2023 by Lieke Vervoort

The Health care study department participates in the monitoring of chickenpox and shingles thanks to data collected via the sentinel general practitioners.

The Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases department participates in the monitoring of chickenpox and shingles thanks to data collected via the sentinel laboratories.

Analysis of the data from the sentinel general practitioners and sentinel laboratories, in addition to other databases, makes it possible to follow the trend of this virus and gain better knowledge of the age groups affected, as well as the complications and the impact of the disease on the health of the population. This is important, especially in order to evaluate and decide on vaccination policies.

This data is also used by the regions and other healthcare actors.

Sciensano’s Quality of Vaccines and Blood Products department is recognized as the Belgian Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMLC) and is responsible for quality control of the vaccines against chickenpox before they can be put on the European market.  

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