
The monitoring of chickenpox and shingles in Belgium is based on data from three different sources:

  • Data from the network of sentinel general practitioners, administered by Sciensano. This network has been monitoring chickenpox since 2019 and shingles between 2006 and 2012 and since 2021 in general practice. 
  • Data from the network of sentinel laboratories, administered by Sciensano, which records cases of varicella-zoster-virus in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) since 2017.
  • Chickenpox and shingles are not notifiable diseases in Belgium.

For more information, see the “publications” tab at the bottom of the page.

Sciensano collects data on chickenpox and shingles in order to follow the trends of this disease and its impact on public health in the Belgian population.

Sciensano’s Belgian Official Medicines Control Laboratory (OMCL) is responsible, in cooperation with the European OMCL network, for quality control of the vaccine against chickenpox before it is put on the market.


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