Sciensano & Illicit drugs

Last updated on 26-2-2024 by Lieke Vervoort

The Unit Illicit drugs is the key responsible for data collection, monitoring and research on drugs in Belgium. The unit consists of a multidisciplinary team of researchers and can rely an ongoing collaboration with a variety of national and international experts and practitioners. Specifically at European level, the unit was certified within its role as Belgian national focal point on drugs by EMCDDA in January 2024.

To gather all the relevant data and to provide a comprehensive picture of the Belgian drug scene, we collaborate with other teams within Sciensano:

Besides the existing collaborations within Sciensano, the Unit Illicit drugs can also rely on a large range of public and private institutions, organisations and external experts:


Please visite our Unit Illicit drugs pagefor more information about our work on drug-related monitoring, research and support to policymakers.

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