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Filters: Author is Brecht Devleesschauwer
A scoping review of burden of disease studies estimating disability-adjusted life years due to Taenia solium,
, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Jun-07-2022, Volume 16, Issue 7, (2022)
The state of health in Belgium, 1990-2019: a benchmarking analysis based on the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study.,
, Arch Public Health, 2022 Oct 18, Volume 80, Issue 1, (2022)
Taenia solium Cysticercosis/Taeniosis in Europe and Central Asia,
, 2022, Cham, p.69 - 82, (2022)
Validity of self-reported air pollution annoyance to assess long-term exposure to air pollutants in Belgium,
, Environmental Research, Jan-07-2022, Volume 210, (2022)
Variation in smoking attributable all-cause mortality across municipalities in Belgium, 2018: application of a Bayesian approach for small area estimations,
, BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2022, Volume 22, Issue 1, (2022)
Years of life lost for 137 causes of death in Belgium by age, sex, and region, 2004-2018 ,
, European Journal of Public Health, Jan-10-2024, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_3, (2022)
Years of life lost methods must remain fully equitable and accountable,
, Eur J Epidemiol, 2022 Feb, Volume 37, Issue 2, Number 216, (2022)
Assessing polypharmacy in the older population: Comparison of a self‐reported and prescription based method,
, Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, Jan-12-2021, Volume 30, Issue 12, (2021)
Association between polypharmacy and mortality in the community-dwelling older population: a data linkage study,
, International Journal of Epidemiology, Feb-09-2021, Volume 50, Issue Supplement_1, (2021)
Association between urban environment and mental health in Brussels, Belgium,
, BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2021)
Belgian national burden of disease study. Guidelines for the calculation of DALYs in Belgium,
, 01/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.225, (2021)
Burden of disease methods: A guide to calculate COVID-19 Disability-Adjusted Life Years,
, International Journal of Public Health, May-03-2021, Volume 66, (2021)
Burden of foodborne diseases: think global, act local,
, Current Opinion in Food Science, Jan-06-2021, Volume 39, (2021)
Burden of non-communicable diseases in Cyprus, 1990–2017: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2017 study,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Conducting national burden of disease studies in small countries in Europe– a feasible challenge?,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Consumer and food product determinants of food wasting: A case study on chicken meat,
, Sustainability, Jan-07-2021, Volume 13, Issue 13, (2021)
Cost-DALY comparison of hip replacement care in 12 Belgian hospitals,
, BMJ Open Qual, 2021 09, Volume 10, Issue 3, (2021)
Establishing an ad hoc COVID-19 mortality surveillance during the first epidemic wave in Belgium, 1 March to 21 June 2020,
, Eurosurveillance, Feb-12-2021, Volume 26, Issue 48, (2021)
Estimating the direct Covid-19 disability-adjusted life years impact on the Malta population for the first full year,
, BMC Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2021)
Evaluation of the added value of viral genomic information for predicting severity of influenza infection,
, BMC Infectious Diseases, Jan-12-2021, Volume 21, Issue 1, (2021)
Global Burden of Animal Diseases: A novel approach to understanding and managing disease in livestock and aquaculture,
, Revue Scientifique et Technique de l'OIE, Jan-08-2021, Volume 40, Issue 2, (2021)
Health expectancies in the European Union: same concept, different methods, different results,
, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, Sep-08-2021, Volume 75, Issue 8, (2021)
The increasing significance of disease severity in a burden of disease framework,
, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, Feb-07-2021, (2021)
Integration of various dimensions in food-based dietary guidelines via mathematical approaches: report of a DGE/FENS Workshop in Bonn, Germany, 23–24 September 2019Abstract,
, British Journal of Nutrition, Apr-09-2023, Volume 126, Issue 6, (2021)
Living with a chronic disease: insights from patients with a low socioeconomic status,
, BMC Family Practice, Jan-12-2021, Volume 22, Issue 1, (2021)