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Filters: Author is Brecht Devleesschauwer
Food groups and risk of colorectal cancer,
, Int J Cancer, 2018 05 01, Volume 142, Issue 9, (2018)
Gender differences in health-related quality of life in Belgium in 2013,
, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, p.88, (2018)
Generating the evidence for risk reduction: a contribution to the future of food-based dietary guidelines.,
, Proc Nutr Soc, 2018 Nov, Volume 77, Issue 4, (2018)
Impact of tobacco control interventions on health expectancies: use of dynamic modelling for health impact assessment in Belgium,
, p.54, (2018)
Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates,
, Improving Burden of Disease and Source Attribution Estimates, 22/12/2018, Cham, p.143 - 174, (2018)
Investigating the risk-benefit balance of substituting red and processed meat with fish in a Danish diet.,
, Food Chem Toxicol, 2018 Oct, Volume 120, (2018)
Le fardeau du cancer en Belgique, 2004-2015,
, Woluwe, Belgium, p.37, (2018)
Prioritisation of food-borne parasites in Europe, 2016.,
, Euro Surveill, 2018 03, Volume 23, Issue 9, (2018)
Welfare-Adjusted Life Years (WALY): A novel metric of animal welfare that combines the impacts of impaired welfare and abbreviated lifespan.,
, PLoS One, 2018, Volume 13, Issue 9, (2018)
zDALY: An adjusted indicator to estimate the burden of zoonotic diseases.,
, One Health, 2018 Jun, Volume 5, (2018)
Attribution of global foodborne disease to specific foods: Findings from a World Health Organization structured expert elicitation,
, PLoS One, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 9, p.e0183641, (2017)
Burden of salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis and listeriosis: a time series analysis, Belgium, 2012 to 2020.,
, Euro Surveill, 2017 Sep 21, Volume 22, Issue 38, (2017)
Corrigendum to "Cost-effectiveness analysis in melanoma detection: A transition model applied to dermoscopy" [Eur J Cancer 67 (2016) 38-45].,
, Eur J Cancer, 2017 Sep, Volume 82, p.247, (2017)
Cost-effectiveness of screening for active cases of tuberculosis in Flanders, Belgium.,
, Bull World Health Organ, 2017 Jan 01, Volume 95, Issue 1, p.27-35, (2017)
Development of a generic and open source Incidence-Prevalence-Mortality model for the assessment of chronic disease epidemiology,
, Hasselt, Belgium, p.38, (2017)
Disability Weights for Chronic Mercury Intoxication Resulting from Gold Mining Activities: Results from an Online Pairwise Comparisons Survey.,
, Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2017 Jan 10, Volume 14, Issue 1, (2017)
Disability weights for infectious diseases in four European countries: comparison between countries and across respondent characteristics.,
, Eur J Public Health, 2017 Sep 11, (2017)
Educational inequalities in premature mortality by region in the Belgian population in the 2000s,
, Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2017, Volume 75, Issue 44, (2017)
Epidemiology of taeniosis/cysticercosis in Europe, a systematic review: Western Europe.,
, Parasit Vectors, 2017 Jul 21, Volume 10, Issue 1, p.349, (2017)
Gender and educational differences in the association between smoking and health-related quality of life in Belgium.,
, Prev Med, 2017 Dec, Volume 105, p.280-286, (2017)
Health and economic burden of Campylobacter,
, Health and economic burden of Campylobacter, 01/2017, Issue 2, Number 40, Amsterdam, p.14, (2017)
High relative humidity pre-harvest reduces post-harvest proliferation of Salmonella in tomatoes.,
, Food Microbiol, 2017 Sep, Volume 66, p.55-63, (2017)
Intake of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Belgian Population: Adequacy and Contribution of Foods, Fortified Foods and Supplements.,
, Nutrients, 2017 Aug 11, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2017)
Intake of Fat-Soluble Vitamins in the Belgian Population: Adequacy and Contribution of Foods, Fortified Foods and Supplements,
, Nutrients, Volume 9, Issue 8, (2017)
Mapping EQ-5D utilities to GBD 2010 and GBD 2013 disability weights: results of two pilot studies in Belgium.,
, Arch Public Health, 2017, Volume 75, p.6, (2017)