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Filters: Author is Geneviève Waeterloos
Animal use reporting: 2019-2022, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Ribaucour F , Annual OMCL meeting 2024, Common OCABR vaccine session, 2024/05/17, Issue EDQM, Ohrid, North Macedonia, (2024)
Annual use reporting: overview 2019-2022, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Ribaucour F , OCABR Advisory group meeting, 2024-03-20, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2024)
Best practices for lot release of mRNA vaccines, Waeterloos, Geneviève, Desmet N., and Stradiot L. , WHO-Network of National control laboratories for Biologicals- 6th Workshop, 2024/10/28, Cairo, Egypt, (2024)
DTaP Potency testing: 3R's status, Waeterloos, Geneviève, Ribaucour F, Florens Morgane, and Vermeulen M. , 6th WHO-NNB Workshop, 2024/11/27, Issue WHO, Cairo, Egypt, (2024)
EU Annual report : batch release of human vaccines, Waeterloos, Geneviève, Van Molle Wim, Tesolin L., Ribaucour F, Florens Morgane, Masquelier F., Clouet S., Domicent C., Auquier J., Laurent F., et al. , 01/04/2024, Brussels, Belgium, p.261, (2024)
EU batch release procedure: annual report 2023 - batch release of blood derivatives, Waeterloos, Geneviève, Cuignet L., and Lamme Julien , 2024/04/19, 2024/04/19, p.20, (2024)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2023 - Batch Release of IVMPs, Levi, S., Delferrière A., Vermeulen M., and Waeterloos Geneviève , 2024, Strasbourg, France, p.15, (2024)
Production et accès aux produits médicaux (Vaccin): Témoignage Sciensano: renforcement (RFDA), Waeterloos, Geneviève , Evénement bi-annuel de networking: La valeur ajoutée de l’expertise publique belge pour la coopération internationale, 2024/09/02, Issue ENABEL, Brussels, Belgium, (2024)
3R Reporting Overview, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Ribaucour F , Annual OMCL meeting, Common OCABR session, 2023 06 09, Issue EDQM -Spanish OMCL, Madrid, Spain, (2023)
3Rs approach in the Belgian OMCL, Waeterloos, Geneviève , WHO-Network of National control laboratories for Biologicals- 5th Workshop, 2023 12 14, Issue WHO, Bangkok, Thailand, (2023)
Animal use reporting 2019 - 2022, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Ribaucour F , OCABR Advisory group meeting, 2023 10 25, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2023)
Batch release procedure & Activities of the service Quality of vaccines and blood products, Waeterloos, Geneviève , RFDA study visit, 2023 07 24-25, Issue Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium, (2023)
Best Practices: Out of Specification Results, Waeterloos, Geneviève , WHO-Network of National control laboratories for Biologicals- 5th Workshop, 2023 12 13-15, Issue WHO, Bangkok, Thailand, (2023)
Contrôle analytique des vaccins, Waeterloos, Geneviève , Journée thématique: contrôle qualité des produits biologiques, 2023 10 29, Issue Institut Pasteur d'Algérie, Alger, Algérie, (2023)
EU batch release procedure: Annual Report 2 - Batch Release of Vaccines, Waeterloos, Geneviève, Auquier J., Domicent C., Cuignet L., Clouet S., Desmet N., Florens Morgane, Laurent F., Masquelier F., Ribaucour F, et al. , 2023 05 25, p.314, (2023)
EU Batch Release Procedure : Annual Report 2022 - Batch Release of Blood Derivatives, Cuignet, L., Lamme Julien, and Waeterloos Geneviève , 2023 05 25, Brussels, Belgium, p.25, (2023)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2022 - Batch Release of IVMPs, Levi, S., Delferrière A., Vermeulen M., and Waeterloos Geneviève , 26/05/2023, Strasbourg, France, p.14, (2023)
EU Batch Release Procedure : Annual Report 2022 - Batch Release of IVMP, Delferrière, A., Levy S., and Waeterloos Geneviève , 2023 05 26, Brussels, Belgium, p.14, (2023)
Good Practices for Batch Release, Waeterloos, Geneviève , EDQM - Vaccine manufacturers meeting, 2023 03 30, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2023)
In vivo assays for independent batch release activities, Waeterloos, Geneviève , PARERE meeting, 2023 12 21, Issue Sciensano, Belgium, (2023)
Replacement, Reduction and Refinement (3Rs): Network Strategies, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Florens Morgane , EU batch release for Human Vaccines: A practical overview for newcomers to the system, 2023 11 9-10, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2023)
Review of animal reporting tables 2019 - 2021, Waeterloos, Geneviève, and Ribaucour F , OCABR Advisory group meeting, 2023 03 29, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2023)
Training programme for vaccine lot release, Waeterloos, Geneviève , Training of National Control Laboratory of Singapour, 2023 07 11-15, Issue Health Sciences Authority, Singapour, Singapour, Singapour, (2023)
Validation of an animal-free analytical method for the detection of bacterial endotoxins in human vaccines , Laurent, Flore , 2023, VUB - Symposium 3R, (2023)
Viewpoint or an EU OMCL on OCABR and Batch Release fro outside the EU, Waeterloos, Geneviève , EU batch release for Human Vaccines: A practical overview for newcomers to the system, 2023 11 9-10, Issue EDQM, Strasbourg, France, (2023)

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