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Filters: Author is Geneviève Waeterloos
Auditors experience with remote audits:Preparatory phase,
, OMCL annual meeting 2022, 14/06/2022, EDQM, strasbourg, (2022)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2021 - Batch Release of IVMPs,
, 10/06/2022, Strasbourg, France, p.14, (2022)
Module 2: développement et production d'un vaccin - chapitre 3: contrôle de qualité ,
, 2022 03, https://www.ulb.be/fr/programme/fc-742, (2022)
National perspectives on non-animal approaches for quality control and batch release testing of biologicals and the influence of WHO guidelines,
, https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/events/nc3rs-workshop-implementing-3rs-who-guidelines-understanding-impact-quality-control-and , 2022 03 02, Virtual conference, London, United Kingdom , (2022)
Panel discussion on the adoption of 3Rs and non-animal approaches for quality control and batch release testing of these products,
, https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/events/nc3rs-workshop-implementing-3rs-who-guidelines-understanding-impact-quality-control-and , 2022 03 02, Virtual conference, London, United Kingdom , (2022)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2020 - Batch Release of IVMPs,
, 19/04/2021, Strasbourg, France, p.14, (2021)
How to implement trend analysis,
, Training Saudi Food and Drug Authority, (2021)
OCABR of Covid vaccines, a success story,
, Annual OMCL meeting _ General session, 08/09/2021, Issue EDQM, (2021)
Establishment of single dilution assays for animal based potency determinations,
, WHO Webinar: Establishment of a single dilution potency assay, (2020)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2019 - Batch Release of IVMPs,
, 29/04/2020, Strasbourg, France, p.14, (2020)
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mindset of the manufacturer.,
, EDQM & European Pharmacopoeia: State-of-the-Art Science for Tomorrow’s Medicines, 19-20 May 2019, Issue EDQM, (2019)
EU Batch Release Procedure: Annual Report 2018 - Batch Release of IVMPs,
, 25/04/2019, Strasbourg, France, p.14, (2019)
Estimating the Reliability of Low-Abundant Signals and Limited Replicate Measurements through MS2 Peak Area in SWATH,
, PROTEOMICS, Nov-02-2018, (2018)
An application of mass spectrometry for quality control of biologicals: Highly sensitive profiling of plasma residuals in human plasma-derived immunoglobulin.,
, J Proteomics, 2017 Jan 30, Volume 152, p.312-320, (2017)
Belgium, a WHO contracted laboratorium,
, Global network of national vaccine control lab, WHO Workshop, 29/8/2016, Issue WHO, NA, (2016)
OMCL's role in OOS evaluation and communication with partners (network, MAH and beyond) and tools available,
, OMCL Annual Meeting 2016, 27/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Tetravac/Pentavac vaccines: follow-up on the aP immunogenicity assay situation,
, OMCL ANNUAL MEETING 2016, 26/5/2016, Issue European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM),Council of Europe, NA, (2016)
Accelerated development of vaccine benefit-risk collaboration in Europe,
, Annual OMCL meeting, 0/6/2015, Issue EDQM, NA, (2015)
Batch release of vaccines in Europe: from method transfer to first commercial batch available on the market. Straightforward approach that requires a proactive mind-set of the manufacturer.,
, PDA Europe Conference Vaccines. Featuring WHO on Challenges in Vaccines Supply to Developing Countries, 0/11/2015, Issue PDA Europe, Berlin, Germany, (2015)
Het Wetenschappelijk Instituut Volksgezondheid (WIV-ISP) organiseert de 20e bijeenkomst van het Europese netwerk van de Official Medicines Control Laboratories (OMCL),
, 06/2015, Brussels, Belgium, (2015)
Impact on the Immmunogenicity and Safety of Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine in Controlled Temperature Chain and Standard Cold chain (WHO/Epicentre project),
, Quality control and batch release of vaccines and blood products in Europe, 0/0/2015, Issue WIV-ISP, (2015)
Le WIV-ISP organise la 20ème assemblée du réseau européen des Laboratoires Officiels de Contrôle des Médicaments (OMCL),
, 0/6/2015, Brussel, Belgium, (2015)
The Quality Control of Plasma-Derived Medicinal Products,
, Quality control and batch release of vaccines and blood products in Europe, 0/0/2015, Issue WIV-ISP, NA, (2015)
Semaine de la vaccination,
, 0/4/2015, Brussels, Belgium, (2015)
Semaine mondiale de la vaccination 2015 : combler les lacunes en matière de vaccination,
, 0/4/2015, Brussel, Belgium, (2015)