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Dr. Hannelien Verbeke PhD
Hannelien Verbeke graduated in 2011 from KU Leuven as a doctor of Biomedical Sciences. She started in 2011 at CODA/IPH (Sciensano’s predecessor), section “Quality of Medical Laboratories “as a scientific co-worker. She is currently responsible for the surveillance of the licenses of the laboratories of Anatomic Pathology. A laboratory can obtain and maintain a license, only when it meets all the requirements of the Royal Decree of the 5th December 2011. Within the framework of this licensing, inspections can be carried out in the laboratories of Anatomic Pathology in order to evaluate the implementation of the quality management system in routine practice. Moreover, the results of the external quality assessment organized by the section “Quality of Laboratories” of Sciensano are to be followed up in order to avoid errors which may have a clinical impact on the patient’s diagnosis. Furthermore, as member of the competent authority, she observes audits performed by the Belgian Accreditation Institution (BELAC). She is also the secretary of the Commission of Anatomic Pathology who advises the Minister of Public Health on issues related to the license of laboratories of Anatomic Pathology and on any other subject related to Anatomic Pathology in general.
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