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Filters: Author is Lucy Catteau
Couverture vaccinale et impact épidémiologique de la campagne de vaccination COVID-19 chez les 5 à 17 ans en Belgique, Nasiadka, Léonore, Vermeiren Elias, Billuart Matthieu, Hubin Pierre, Van Evercooren Izaak, Stouten Veerle, Catteau Lucy, and Van Loenhout Joris , Dec 2022, p.31, (2022)
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness in adolescents: a test negative case-control study in Belgium, Catteau, Lucy, Braeye Toon, Nasiadka Léonore, Hubin Pierre, Billuart Matthieu, Stouten Veerle, and Van Loenhout Joris , Sep 2022, (2022)
Disparities in second booster coverages and impact on COVID-19 cases and hospital admissions during summer 2022, Hubin, Pierre, Van Loenhout Joris, Nasiadka Léonore, Catteau Lucy, Billuart Matthieu, Van Evercooren Izaak, and Vermeiren Elias , Nov 2022, p.5, (2022)
Evaluating methodological approaches to assess the severity of infection with SARS-CoV-2 variants: scoping review and applications on Belgian COVID-19 data., Meurisse, Marjan, Van Oyen Herman, Blot Koen, Catteau Lucy, Serrien Ben, Klamer Sofieke, Cauët Emilie, Robert Annie, and Van Goethem Nina , BMC Infect Dis, 2022 Nov 11, Volume 22, Issue 1, (2022)
Guidance on interpretation of the COVID-19 vaccine impact on infections in the Sciensano weekly report, Van Loenhout, Joris, Hubin Pierre, Braeye Toon, Brondeel Ruben, Van Evercooren Izaak, Santy Luca, de Muylder Géraldine, and Catteau Lucy , May 2022, p.6, (2022)
Incidence and Risk Factors of COVID-19 Vaccine Breakthrough Infections: A Prospective Cohort Study in Belgium., Stouten, Veerle, Hubin Pierre, Haarhuis Freek, Van Loenhout Joris, Billuart Matthieu, Brondeel Ruben, Braeye Toon, Van Oyen Herman, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, and Catteau Lucy , Viruses, 2022 Apr 13, Volume 14, Issue 4, (2022)
Influenza-like illness (including COVID-19) sentinel surveillance in Belgian nursing homes: amended protocol, Callies, Milena, Barbezange Cyril, Bossuyt Nathalie, Catteau Lucy, Latour Katrien, Vermeulen Melissa, and Duysburgh Els , (2022)
Investigating COVID-19 Vaccine Impact on the Risk of Hospitalisation through the Analysis of National Surveillance Data Collected in Belgium., Erazo, Diana, Vincenti-Gonzalez Maria F., Van Loenhout Joris, Hubin Pierre, Vandromme Mathil, Maes Piet, Taquet Maxime, Van Weyenbergh Johan, Catteau Lucy, and Dellicour Simon , Viruses, 2022 Jun 16, Volume 14, Issue 6, (2022)
Risk factors associated with breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections after vaccination: a prospective cohort study in Belgium, Stouten, Veerle, Hubin Pierre, Haarhuis Freek, Van Loenhout Joris, Billuart Matthieu, Brondeel Ruben, Braeye Toon, Van Oyen Herman, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, and Catteau Lucy , Apr 2022, (2022)
Severity of infection with the SARS-CoV-2 B.1.1.7 lineage among hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Belgium., Van Goethem, Nina, Vandromme Mathil, Van Oyen Herman, Haarhuis Freek, Brondeel Ruben, Catteau Lucy, André Emmanuel, Cuypers Lize, Blot Koen, and Serrien Ben , PLoS One, 2022, Volume 17, Issue 6, (2022)
Vaccinatiegraad en epidemiologische impact van de COVID-19-vaccinatiecampagne bij 5- tot 17-jarigen in België, Nasiadka, Léonore, Vermeiren Elias, Billuart Matthieu, Hubin Pierre, Van Evercooren Izaak, Stouten Veerle, Catteau Lucy, and Van Loenhout Joris , Dec 2022, p.31, (2022)
Vaccine effectiveness against onward transmission of SARS-CoV2-infection by variant of concern and time since vaccination, Belgian contact tracing, 2021., Braeye, Toon, Catteau Lucy, Brondeel Ruben, Van Loenhout Joris, Proesmans Kristiaan, Cornelissen Laura, Van Oyen Herman, Stouten Veerle, Hubin Pierre, Billuart Matthieu, et al. , Vaccine, 2022 May 11, Volume 40, Issue 22, (2022)
Vaccine-induced and hybrid immunity against the B.1.617.2 and B.1.1.529 variants : a test negative case-control study in Belgium, Catteau, Lucy, Braeye Toon, Hubin Pierre, Billuart Matthieu, Haarhuis Freek, Stouten Veerle, Van Loenhout Joris, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , Apr 2022, (2022)
Conceptual causal framework to assess the effect of SARS-CoV-2 variants on COVID-19 disease severity among hospitalized patients, Van Goethem, Nina, Serrien Ben, Vandromme Mathil, Wyndham-Thomas Chloé, Catteau Lucy, Brondeel Ruben, Klamer Sofieke, Meurisse Marjan, Cuypers Lize, André Emmanuel, et al. , Archives of Public Health, Jan-12-2021, Volume 79, Issue 1, (2021)
Couverture vaccinale et impact épidémiologique de la campagne de vaccination COVID-19 en Belgique. Données jusqu’au 31 octobre 2021 inclus, Catteau, Lucy, Van Loenhout Joris, Stouten Veerle, Billuart Matthieu, Hubin Pierre, Haarhuis Freek, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , Nov 2021, Belgium, p.53, (2021)
European antimicrobial resistance surveillance, Belgium (EARS-BE) National statistical report, data from 2019, Mertens, Karl, and Catteau Lucy , Jan 2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.13, (2021)
European antimicrobial resistance surveillance for Belgium (EARS-BE) 2019 – description of main findings., Mertens, Karl, and Catteau Lucy , Feb 2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.13, (2021)
Protocol COVID-19 Surveillance in residential institutions - version 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , 02/07/2021, Brussels, Belgium, p.17, (2021)
Protocol COVID-19 surveillance in residentiële instellingen - versie 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , (2021)
Protocole surveillance COVID-19 dans les institutions résidentiels - version 5.2, Dequeker, Sara, Latour Katrien, Islamaj Esma, Int Panis Laura, Callies Milena, Catteau Lucy, Catry Boudewijn, Bustos Sierra Natalia, Renard Françoise, and Vandael Eline , 01/06/2021, p.19, (2021)
Reply to "The perceived efficacy of hydroxychloroquine in observational studies: the results of the confounding effects of 'goals of care'"., Dauby, Nicolas, Hautekiet Joris, Catteau Lucy, Montourcy Marion, Van Beckhoven Dominique, Bottieau Emmanuel, and Goetghebeur Els , Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2021 04, Volume 57, Issue 4, (2021)
Surveillance de la vaccination COVID-19 chez les professionnels de soins de santé en Belgique. Résultats intermédiaires jusqu’au 31 mai 2021 inclus, Catteau, Lucy, Billuart Matthieu, Serrien Ben, Hubin Pierre, Haarhuis Freek, Litzroth Amber, Stouten Veerle, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , June 2021, Belgium, p.26, (2021)
Surveillance de la vaccination COVID-19 dans les maisons de repos et maisons de repos et de soins belges. Résultats jusqu’au 24 mars 2021., Catteau, Lucy, Haarhuis Freek, Dequeker Sara, Vandael Eline, Litzroth Amber, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , Avril 2021, Belgium, p.20, (2021)
Surveillance van COVID-19 vaccinatie bij zorgverleners in België. Intermediaire resultaten tot en met 31 mei 2021, Catteau, Lucy, Billuart Matthieu, Serrien Ben, Hubin Pierre, Haarhuis Freek, Litzroth Amber, Stouten Veerle, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , Juni 2021, Belgium, p.25, (2021)
Surveillance van de COVID-19 vaccinatie in Belgische woonzorgcentra. Resultaten tot 24 maart 2021., Catteau, Lucy, Haarhuis Freek, Dequeker Sara, Vandael Eline, Stouten Veerle, Litzroth Amber, and Wyndham-Thomas Chloé , 05 2021, p.20, (2021)

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