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Filters: Author is Marcella Mori
Epidemiologische surveillance van antrax – 2019-2021, Stefani, Giulietta, Rebolledo Javiera, and Mori Marcella , 12/2022, (2022)
Epidemiologische surveillance van brucellose - 2019-2021, Lernout, Tinne, and Mori Marcella , 2022, p.3, (2022)
Epidemiologische surveillance van pest – 2019-2021, Stefani, Giulietta, Rebolledo Javiera, and Mori Marcella , 12/2022, (2022)
Going Chronic: About a complicated case of pediatric brucellosis being the first ‘endemic’ incident of human Brucellosis in Belgium (2021-2022), Mori, Marcella, Valbona Selimaj, Vodolazkaia Alexandra, Mukovnikova Marina, De Massis Fabrizio, Garofolo Giulano, Nassogne Marie-Cécile, and Van der Linden Dimitri , (2022)
Introduction of WGS in food microbiology: advantages and challenges, Verhaegen, Bavo, Botteldoorn N, Cantaert Vera, de Zutter Lieven, Delcenserie Véronique, Geeraerd Annemie, Mahillon Jacques, Mori Marcella, Pochet Brigitte, Roosens Nancy, et al. , 26th Conference on Food Microbiology, 10/2022, Brussels, Belgium, (2022)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la brucellose - 2019-2021, Lernout, Tinne, and Mori Marcella , 2022, p.3, (2022)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la fièvre Q - 2020, Litzroth, Amber, Van Esbroeck Marjan, and Mori Marcella , 12/2022, p.3, (2022)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la maladie du charbon – 2019-2021, Stefani, Giulietta, Rebolledo Javiera, and Mori Marcella , 12/2022, (2022)
Surveillance épidémiologique de la Peste – 2019-2021, Stefani, Giulietta, Rebolledo Javiera, and Mori Marcella , 12/2022, (2022)
Belgian bulk tank milk surveillance program reveals the impact of a continuous vaccination protocol for small ruminants against Coxiella burnetii., Jansen, Wiebke, Cargnel Mickael, Boarbi Samira, Mertens Ingeborg, Van Esbroeck Marjan, Fretin David, and Mori Marcella , Transbound Emerg Dis, 2021 Aug 06, (2021)
Coxiella burnetii Shedding in Milk and Molecular Typing of Strains Infecting Dairy Cows in Greece, Kalaitzakis, Emmanouil, Fancello Tiziano, Simons Xavier, Chaligiannis Ilias, Tomaiuolo Sara, Andreopoulou Marianna, Petrone Debora, Papapostolou Aikaterini, Giadinis Nektarios D., Panousis Nikolaos, et al. , Pathogens, Jan-03-2021, Volume 10, Issue 3, (2021)
Epidemiologische surveillance van Q-koorts - 2020, Litzroth, Amber, Van Esbroeck Marjan, and Mori Marcella , 12/2021, p.3, (2021)
Infective endocarditis caused by on a prosthetic pulmonary valve with false positive serology for - The first described case., Altdorfer, Antoine, Pirotte Benoit F., Gaspard Laura, Gregoire Emilien, Firre Eric, Moerman Filip, Moonen Martial, Sanoussi Ahmed, Van Esbroeck Marjan, and Mori Marcella , IDCases, 2021, Volume 24, (2021)
The Isolation of Culturable Bacteria in Ixodes ricinus Ticks of a Belgian Peri-Urban Forest Uncovers Opportunistic Bacteria Potentially Important for Public Health, Rousseau, Raphaël, Vanwambeke Sophie O., Boland Cécile, and Mori Marcella , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Jan-11-2021, Volume 18, Issue 22, (2021)
The Isolation of Culturable Bacteria in Ticks of a Belgian Peri-Urban Forest Uncovers Opportunistic Bacteria Potentially Important for Public Health., Rousseau, Raphaël, Vanwambeke Sophie O., Boland Cécile, and Mori Marcella , Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 11 19, Volume 18, Issue 22, (2021)
Phylogeography of Human and Animal Strains: Genetic Fingerprinting of Q Fever in Belgium., Tomaiuolo, Sara, Boarbi Samira, Fancello Tiziano, Michel Patrick, Desqueper Damien, Gregoire Fabien, Callens Jozefien, Fretin David, Devriendt Bert, Cox Eric, et al. , Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 2020, Volume 10, (2021)
Staggered enforcement of infection control and prevention measures following four consecutive potential laboratory exposures to imported ., Miendje Deyi, V Y., Mori Marcella, Dauby N, Clevenbergh P, Mahadeb B, Loizidou A, Maillart E, Martiny D, Debyttere A L., Gerard M, et al. , Infect Prev Pract, 2021 Jun, Volume 3, Issue 2, (2021)

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