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Filters: Author is Marcella Mori
Critical Aspects for Detection of Coxiella burnetii., Mori, Marcella, Mertens Katja, Cutler Sally J., and Santos Ana Sofia , Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis, 2017 Jan, Volume 17, Issue 1, p.33-41, (2017)
European OneHealth/EcoHealth workshop report - Brussels, 6-7 October 2016., Keune, Hans, Flandroy Lucette, Thys Séverine, De Regge Nick, Mori Marcella, van den Berg Thierry, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Vanhove Maarten P. M., Rebolledo Javiera, Van Gucht Steven, et al. , 201, Brussels, Belgium, p.48, (2017)
Imported human brucellosis in Belgium: Bio and molecular typing of bacterial isolates, 1996-2015., Mambres, Delphine Hanot, Boarbi Samira, Michel Patrick, Bouker Nora, Escobar-Calle Luisa, Desqueper Damien, Fancello Tiziano, Van Esbroeck Marjan, Godfroid Jacques, Fretin David, et al. , PLoS One, 2017, Volume 12, Issue 4, p.e0174756, (2017)
The need for European OneHealth/EcoHealth networks., Keune, Hans, Flandroy Lucette, Thys Séverine, De Regge Nick, Mori Marcella, Antoine-Moussiaux Nicolas, Vanhove Maarten P. M., Rebolledo Javiera, Van Gucht Steven, Deblauwe Isra, et al. , Arch Public Health, 2017, Volume 75, (2017)
Reproductive Disorders and Leptospirosis: A Case Study in a Mixed-Species Farm (Cattle and Swine)., Mori, Marcella, Bakinahe Raïssa, Vannoorenberghe Philippe, Maris Jo, de Jong Ellen, Tignon Marylène, Marin Martine, Desqueper Damien, Fretin David, and Behaeghel Isabelle , Vet Sci, 2017 Dec 01, Volume 4, Issue 4, (2017)

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