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Het belang van Norovirus detectie bij collectieve gastro-enteritis uitbraken: van diagnose tot desinfectie van de besmettingshaard,
, Vlaams Infectieziektenbulletin, 1/4/2011, Volume 2, Issue 76, Number 19, p.14 - 19, (2011)
Het belang van Norovirusdetectie in collectieve gastro-enteritisuitbraken: van diagnose tot desinfectie van de besmettingshaard,
, 0/0/2011, Number 100, Brussel, Belgium, p.96 - 100, (2011)
Importance of Norovirus in reported collective gastro-enteritis outbreaks in Belgium,
, 4th congress of European Microbiologists, 26/6/2011, Volume 4, Issue FEMS, Number 148, Geneve, p.148 - 148, (2011)
Investigation of food borne outbreaks,
, Tuesday seminar, 23/3/2011, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussel, Belgium, (2011)
Les techniques de PCR pour le diagnostic rapide des pathogènes dans l'alimentation346,
, Medi-sphère, 0/0/2011, Volume 283, Number 34, p.32 - 34, (2011)
Nationaal referentielaboratorium voedseltoxi-infecties, antimicrobiële resistentie voan zoönotische kiemen levensmiddelenmicrobiologie en tweekleppige weekdieren, jaarverslag 2010,
, 1/3/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.36, (2011)
Novel norovirus recombinants and of GII.4 sub-lineages associated with outbreaks between 2006 and 2010 in Belgium36558,
, Virol.J., 0/0/2011, Volume 8, p.310, (2011)
The role of food handlers in food-borne outbreaks,
, workshop FAVV-AFSCA, 28/4/2011, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, (2011)
Sudden death of a young adult associated with Bacillus cereus food poisoning.,
, J Clin Microbiol, 2011 Dec, Volume 49, Issue 12, p.4379-81, (2011)
Validation of two methods for the detection of E. coli O104:H4 in vegetables36516,
, 16 th conference on food microbiology, 22/9/2011, Issue Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, Number 98, Brussels, Belgium, p.98 - 98, (2011)
Characterization of Escherichia coli from raw poultry in Belgium and impact on the detection of Campylobacter jejuni using Bolton broth36828,
, Int.J.Food Microbiol., 15/11/2009, Volume 135, Issue 3, Number 253, p.248 - 253, (2009)
Distribution and evolution of ferripyoverdine receptors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa31132,
, Environ.Microbiol., 0/8/2009, Volume 11, Issue 8, Number 2135, p.2123 - 2135, (2009)
Characterization of the amylovorin locus of Lactobacillus amylovorus DCE 471, producer of a bacteriocin active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, in combination with colistin and pyocins36809,
, FEMS Microbiol.Lett., 0/9/2008, Volume 286, Issue 2, Number 206, p.199 - 206, (2008)
Pyocin S2 (Sa) kills Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains via the FpvA type I ferripyoverdine receptor36780,
, J.Bacteriol., 0/11/2007, Volume 189, Issue 21, Number 7668, p.7663 - 7668, (2007)
Resistance to vanadium in Pseudomonas fluorescens ATCC 17400 caused by mutations in TCA cycle enzymes36759,
, FEMS Microbiol.Lett., 0/11/2006, Volume 264, Issue 1, Number 64, p.59 - 64, (2006)