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Filters: Author is Sarah Denayer
Het belang van Norovirus detectie bij collectieve gastro-enteritis uitbraken: van diagnose tot desinfectie van de besmettingshaard, Denayer, Sarah, Forier A., De Schrijver K., Dierick Katelijne, and Botteldoorn N , Vlaams Infectieziektenbulletin, 1/4/2011, Volume 2, Issue 76, Number 19, p.14 - 19, (2011)
Het belang van Norovirusdetectie in collectieve gastro-enteritisuitbraken: van diagnose tot desinfectie van de besmettingshaard, Denayer, Sarah, Forier A., De Schrijver K., Dierick Katelijne, and Botteldoorn N , 0/0/2011, Number 100, Brussel, Belgium, p.96 - 100, (2011)
Importance of Norovirus in reported collective gastro-enteritis outbreaks in Belgium, Denayer, Sarah, Botteldoorn N, Mathijs Elisabeth, Naranjo M., Pochet B., Thiry Etienne, and Dierick Katelijne , 4th congress of European Microbiologists, 26/6/2011, Volume 4, Issue FEMS, Number 148, Geneve, p.148 - 148, (2011)
Investigation of food borne outbreaks, Denayer, Sarah , Tuesday seminar, 23/3/2011, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussel, Belgium, (2011)
Les techniques de PCR pour le diagnostic rapide des pathogènes dans l'alimentation346, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Denayer Sarah, Mahillon J., Roosens Nancy, and Botteldoorn N , Medi-sphère, 0/0/2011, Volume 283, Number 34, p.32 - 34, (2011)
Nationaal referentielaboratorium voedseltoxi-infecties, antimicrobiële resistentie voan zoönotische kiemen levensmiddelenmicrobiologie en tweekleppige weekdieren, jaarverslag 2010, Botteldoorn, N, Dierick Katelijne, Denayer Sarah, Polet Marie, and Mattheus Wesley , 1/3/2011, Brussels, Belgium, p.36, (2011)
Novel norovirus recombinants and of GII.4 sub-lineages associated with outbreaks between 2006 and 2010 in Belgium36558, Mathijs, Elisabeth, Denayer Sarah, Palmeira L., Botteldoorn N, Scipioni A., Vanderplasschen A., Thiry Etienne, and Dierick Katelijne , Virol.J., 0/0/2011, Volume 8, p.310, (2011)
The role of food handlers in food-borne outbreaks, Denayer, Sarah, Botteldoorn N, Polet Marie, and Dierick Katelijne , workshop FAVV-AFSCA, 28/4/2011, Issue Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, (2011)
Sudden death of a young adult associated with Bacillus cereus food poisoning., Naranjo, Maria, Denayer Sarah, Botteldoorn N, Delbrassinne Laurence, Veys Jean, Waegenaere Jacques, Sirtaine Nicolas, Driesen Ronald B., Sipido Karin R., Mahillon Jacques, et al. , J Clin Microbiol, 2011 Dec, Volume 49, Issue 12, p.4379-81, (2011)
Validation of two methods for the detection of E. coli O104:H4 in vegetables36516, Botteldoorn, N, Denayer Sarah, Duarte Alexandra, Pochet B., Mossong J., and Dierick Katelijne , 16 th conference on food microbiology, 22/9/2011, Issue Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, Number 98, Brussels, Belgium, p.98 - 98, (2011)
Pyocin S2 (Sa) kills Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains via the FpvA type I ferripyoverdine receptor36780, Denayer, Sarah, and Cornelis P. , J.Bacteriol., 0/11/2007, Volume 189, Issue 21, Number 7668, p.7663 - 7668, (2007)

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