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Filters: Author is Sarah Denayer
The CoSYPS Path Food Project: development of a system for detection and identification of food-borne pathogenic bacteria present in carcass samples according to a "Combinatory qPCR" Technology, Barbau-Piednoir, E., Mahillon J., Denayer Sarah, Botteldoorn N, and Roosens Nancy , 0/0/2014, Brussels, Belgium, (2014)
Genetic diversity of shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 recovered from human and food sources in Belgium, Elhadidy, Mohamed, Elkhatib W., Elfadi E.A.A, Verstraeten K., Denayer Sarah, Barbau-Piednoir E., De Zutter L., Verhaegen Bavo, De Rauw K., Piérard Denis, et al. , Nineteenth Conference on Food Microbiology, 0/0/2014, Issue =Belgian Society for Food Microbiology vzw/aslb (BSFM, NA, (2014)
Intoxications alimentaires en Belgique en 2013, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, Botteldoorn N, and Dierick Katelijne , 0/0/2014, Brussel, p.31, (2014)
Lessons learned from a textbook outbreak: EHEC-O157:H7 infections associated with the consumption of raw meat products, June 2012, Limburg, Belgium., Braeye, Toon, Denayer Sarah, De Rauw Klara, Forier Anmarie, Verluyten Jurgen, Fourie Ludo, Dierick Katelijne, Botteldoorn N, Quoilin Sophie, Cosse Pascale, et al. , Arch Public Health, 2014, Volume 72, Issue 1, p.44, (2014)
NeXSplorer.iph: Development of next generation sequencing data analysis tools in support of a fast response for public health and food chain safety, De Keersmaecker, Sigrid C. J., Bertrand Sophie, Mattheus Wesley, Herman Philippe, Dierick Katelijne, Botteldoorn N, Denayer Sarah, Van Gucht Steven, Thomas Isabelle, Deforce D., et al. , Applications of Next Generation Sequencing for public health, 0/0/2014, Issue =WIV-ISP, NA, (2014)
Voedseluitbraken in België 2013, Denayer, Sarah, Delbrassinne Laurence, Botteldoorn N, and Dierick Katelijne , 0/0/2014, Brussel, p.31, (2014)
Insights into the Bacillus cereus diarrhoeal syndrome: analysis of reported outbreaks, frequency occurrence of enterotoxin genes and evolutionary ecology of cytK genes, Delbrassinne, Laurence, Xiaojin L., Denayer Sarah, Coucke Wim, Mahillon J., and Dierick Katelijne , 20/9/2012, Brussels, p.159, (2012)
A local outbreak of infections with EHEC-O157:H7 associated with the consumption of raw meat products, June 2012, Limburg, Belgium36436, Braeye, Toon, Denayer Sarah, Fourier, Verluyten J., Fourie L., De Rauw K., Dierick Katelijne, Botteldoorn N, Quoilin Sophie, Cosse P., et al. , ESCAIDE 2012, 10/10/2012, Issue ECDC, NA, (2012)
A local outbreak of infections with EHEC-O157:H7 associated with the consumption of raw meat products, June 2012, Limburg, Belgium, Denayer, Sarah , Workshop EU-RL STEC, 8/11/2012, Issue EU-RL, NA, (2012)
Molecular detection and genotyping of noroviruses, Stals, A., Mathijs Elisabeth, Baert L., Botteldoorn N, Denayer Sarah, Mauroy A., Scipioni A., Daube G., Dierick Katelijne, Herman L., et al. , Food Environ.Virol., 0/12/2012, Volume 4, Issue 4, Number 167, p.153 - 167, (2012)
Prevalence and levels of Bacillus cereus emetic toxin in rice dishes randomly collected from restaurants and comparison with the levels measured in a recent foodborne outbreak., Delbrassinne, Laurence, Andjelkovic Mirjana, Dierick Katelijne, Denayer Sarah, Mahillon Jacques, and Van Loco Joris , Foodborne Pathog Dis, 2012 Sep, Volume 9, Issue 9, p.809-14, (2012)
Reported food-borne outbreaks in Belgium, 2011, Denayer, Sarah, Botteldoorn N, Naranjo M., Bertrand Sophie, Yde M., Pochet B., De Schrijver K., and Dierick Katelijne , 20/9/2012, Brussels, p.162, (2012)
A review of known and hypothetical transmission routes for noroviruses, Mathijs, Elisabeth, Stals A., Baert L., Botteldoorn N, Denayer Sarah, Mauroy A., Scipioni A., Daube G., Dierick Katelijne, Herman L., et al. , Food Environ.Virol., 0/12/2012, Volume 4, Issue 4, Number 152, p.131 - 152, (2012)
Validation of a rapid detection method of E. coli O104:H4 in vegetables, Denayer, Sarah, Duarte Alexandra, Pochet B., Mossong J., Dierick Katelijne, and Botteldoorn N , 6/5/2012, Amsterdam, p.73, (2012)
Centralized laboratory analysis, data collection and reporting of foodborne outbreaks in Belgium36515, Botteldoorn, N, Denayer Sarah, Naranjo M., Bertrand Sophie, Yde M., Pochet B., De Schrijver K., and Dierick Katelijne , 16th conference on food microbiology, 22/9/2011, Issue Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, Number 97, Brussels, Belgium, p.97 - 97, (2011)

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