In short
Exposure to multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) is known to interfere with the development and function of the endocrine system. This interaction is particularly worrying at developmental stages in life, such as the perinatal period and puberty. Beyond research to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of action of EDCs, the HYPIEND project tests the value of intervention strategies, e.g. plastic free canteens, raising awareness of EDC among parents and activities with children, aimed at minimising exposure during the perinatal and prepubertal periods.
Project description
The HYPIEND consortium includes 14 teams coming from Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Switzerland and The United Kingdom, who have joined forces to improve the knowledge of the mechanisms of action of exposure to mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Indeed, despite current knowledge of the actions of EDCs (individually) on the endocrine system, a global and holistic understanding of the impact on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary (HP) axis is still lacking. HYPIEND aims to understand the effects of co-exposures to EDCs in the function and epigenetic programming of the HP axis in order to define intervention strategies aimed at minimising exposure and consequences on the neuroendocrine system during the perinatal and prepubertal periods, both being known as windows of susceptibility during which exposures are of particular importance for health effects.
In a first step, we will carry out in vitro analyses, as well as in silico and in vivo, as well as on new organoid-based organ-on-a-chip (OOAC) models. These new OOAC technologies aim to reproduce the structure and function of human organs and tissues in a controlled, miniaturised environment, enabling different functions to be studied, in this case the HP axis.
On the basis of these investigations, two intervention studies aimed at minimising exposure to EDC will be conducted in children at the perinatal and prepubertal stages. Sciensano is more specifically involved in the work on prepubertal children, as well as in risk exposure evaluation and risk modelling in relation to EDCs.
The HYPIEND project has received funding from the Horizon Europe programme under grant agreement No. 101137440. Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Sciensano's project investigator(s):
Service(s) working on this project