Clinical Pathology Ɩ Rare diseases

Last updated on 27-6-2024 by Pierre Daubresse

National Reference Centers (NRC) for rare diseases

The mission of the NRC for rare diseases is to put their specific expertise at the service of the diagnosis and monitoring of some rare diseases.

In 2019, 18 Belgian NRC for rare diseases were recognized and funded by the INAMI-RIZIV. They are responsible for carrying out 16 specific medical analyses in the field of clinical pathology. This recognition took place after a call for application (July to November 2017), followed by an assessment procedure (December 2017 to July 2018).

National Reference Centers for Rare Diseases

Quality controls focused on rare diseases 

Sciensano organises:

  • international ring tests for some analyses of clinical pathology performed by the Belgian NRC for rare diseases, in collaboration with foreign laboratories of clinical pathology
  • national ring tests for some analyses performed by the Belgian laboratories of clinical pathology in the context of rare diseases.

Sciensano ensures the coordination of:

  • the participation of the Belgian laboratories of clinical pathology to the quality controls of UK NEQAS focused on rare haemoglobinopathies (Hb A2, F and S).

​​Rare diseases ring tests

Outsourcing of analyses to foreign laboratories

The Belgian laboratories of clinical pathology are free to outsource the medical analyses of clinical pathology prescribed in the context of rare diseases and that are unavailable in Belgium to foreign academic medical laboratories. The outsourcing costs of these analyses are then reimbursed by Sciensano.

Outsourcing of analyses to foreign laboratories

“Rare diseases” working group of the Belgian Commission for Clinical Pathology (CCP

In 2015, a working group focused on rare diseases was created within the Belgian Commission for Clinical Pathology.

This working group is composed of clinical pathologists from the Belgian academic medical laboratories with a specialised expertise in the diagnosis and follow-up of rare diseases. The working group meets several times per year.

Composition of the working group “Rare diseases”

Chair: Pr. Dr. Pieter Vermeersch (UZ Leuven)

Secretary: Dr. Nathalie Vandevelde (Sciensano)

Other members:

Pr. Dr. Katrien Devreese (UZ Gent)
Pr. Dr. Carolien Bonroy (UZ Gent)
Dr. Hedwig Stepman (UZ Gent)
Pr. Ilse Weets ( UZ Brussel)
Dr. Laurence Roosens (UZ Antwerpen)
Dr. François Boemer (CHU de Liège)
Dr. Joseph Dewulf (Cliniques universitaires St Luc)
Pr. Béatrice Gulbis (LHUB-ULB)
Pr. Frédéric Cotton (LHUB-ULB)


The tasks of the working group consist in assessing the needs in terms of (i) Belgian nomenclature codes for analyses of clinical pathology prescribed in the context of rare diseases, (ii) the activities, financing and follow-up of the National Reference Centres (NRC) for rare diseases, (iii) the outsourcing of analyses that are not available in Belgium.

Scientific publications


Scientific manager

Nathalie Vandevelde
​+32 2 642 55 89

Other contacts

Ynse Van de Maele
​+32 2 642 55 24


​+32 2 642 55 22                              
​Rue Juliette Wytsman 14 • 1050 Brussels

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