Search results - 5 results

Genomic comparison between and and analysis of peptide-based biomarkers for serodiagnosis.

Fretin, David; Marché, Silvie Source: Front Vet Sci, Volume 11 (2024) Keywords: Antigens B-cell epitopes Diagnosis Mycobacterium bovis Mycobacterium microti Tuberculosis whole-genome sequencing Abstract: In ...

Analysis of the vaccine potential of plasmid DNA encoding nine mycolactone polyketide synthase domains in Mycobacterium ulcerans infected mice.

induced by M. bovis BCG. The mycolactone toxin is an obvious candidate for a vaccine, but by virtue of its chemical structure, this toxin is not immunogenic in itself. However, antibodies against some of ...

Mycobacterium bovis meningitis in a cow with clinical signs of BSE.

Keywords: Animals Cattle Diagnosis, Differential Encephalopathy, Bovine Spongiform Female Mycobacterium bovis Tuberculosis, Bovine Health Topics:  Animal health Category:  A1 FOS Classification:  4.03 ...

Use of the pAL5000 replicon in PAH-degrading mycobacteria: application for strain labelling and promoter probing.

Mycobacterium bovis following a slightly modified standard procedure. Transformants showed irregular gfp expression profiles. Four plasmid derivatives were constructed that contained gene promoters isolated from, ...

First evidence of Johne's disease in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) in Belgium.

avium Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis Paratuberculosis Skin Tests Abstract: In a deer farm, chronic diarrhoea was seen in a 4-year-old hind. This animal died in poor ...

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