Search results - 4 results

Pathways of human exposure to cobalt in Katanga, a mining area of the D.R. Congo.

children; log-log relationship). Consumption of legumes, i.e. sweet potato leaves (polluted) and cereals+fish (lakeside) was the largest contributor to Co intake in adults, whereas dust ingestion appeared to ...

Selenium content of Belgian cultivated soils and its uptake by field crops and vegetables.

accumulation is still limited at low soil Se concentrations. In loamy soils, weak correlations were found between the soil Se concentration and its concentration in wheat and potato. The uptake of Se increased ...

Dietary cadmium intake by the Belgian adult population.

percent of the Belgian adult population has a dietary Cd intake above the recent TWI of 2.5 µg kg⁻¹ body weight established by EFSA in 2009. Cereal products and potatoes contribute for more than 60% to ...

Cadmium in the food chain near non-ferrous metal production sites.

Belgian adult population. To evaluate the contamination levels of locally produced food items, 35 fruit samples, 97 vegetable samples, 98 samples of potatoes and 53 samples of meat, liver and kidney of ...

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