Search results - 26 results
Prevalence of healthcare-associated infections, estimated incidence and composite antimicrobial resistance index in acute care hospitals and long-term care facilities: results from two European point prevalence surveys, 2016 to 2017
Eurosurveillance, Volume 23, Issue 46 (2018) Keywords: Acute care hospitals Antimicrobial resistance antimicrobial use Healthcare-associated infection long-term care facilities Abstract: Point prevalence surveys of ...
Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals: results from the second point prevalence survey (PPS) of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use, 2016 to 2017
Acute care hospitals antimicrobial use Healthcare-associated infection Abstract: Antimicrobial agents used to treat infections are life-saving. Overuse may result in more frequent adverse effects and ...
Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis
Control point prevalence survey of health-care-associated infections in European acute care hospitals in 2011-12 to estimate the number of non- BSI s. We developed disease outcome models for five types of ...
Point Prevalence Study of Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Use in Belgian Acute-Care Hospitals: Results of the ECDC PPS 2017
Number: D/2018/14.440/37 URL: http://www.nsih.be/ecdcpps/download_nl.asp Keywords: point prevalence survey; healthcare-associated infections; antimicrobial use; acute care hospitals; Belgium Abstract: ...
Surveillance of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in Belgian hospitals: Report 2016
Accession Number: D/2018/14.470.1 Keywords: Antimicrobial resistance;Acute care hospitals Abstract: Since 1994 the service “Healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance” of Sciensano (the ...
Resultaten van de tweede ECDC puntprevalentiestudie van antimicrobiële consumptie en zorginfecties in Belgische acute ziekenhuizen in 2017
p.3 (2018) Keywords: Acute care hospitals Antimicrobial resistance antimicrobial use Healthcare-associated infection Abstract: / Health Topics: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Hospital-acquired ...
Résultats de la deuxième étude de prévalence sur la consommation d’antimicrobiens et les infections de soins dans les hôpitaux belges aigus en 2017
p.3 (2018) Keywords: Acute care hospital Antimicrobial resistance antimicrobial use Healthcare-associated infection Abstract: / Health Topics: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Hospital-acquired ...
Epidemiologie van Clostridium difficile infecties in België: Rapport 2017
Clostridium Clostridium difficile infecties rapport Abstract: Clostridium difficile-infecties (CDI) zijn een belangrijke oorzaak van diarree en pseudomembraneuze colitis in acute en chronische zorginstellingen. ...
Kwaliteitsindicatoren voor ziekenhuishygiëne in acute ziekenhuizen: jaarrapport- data 2015
2015 acute ziekenhuizen Kwaliteitsindicatoren ziekenhuishygiëne Abstract: Context en inleiding Het Koninklijk Besluit van 27/0½015 (1) met betrekking tot de surveillance van ziekenhuishygiëne beschrijft ...
Resultaten van de 6e nationale campagne ter bevordering van de handhygiëne in ziekenhuizen, 2014-2015
point prevalence survey in Belgium executed in 2011, the prevalence rate of infected patients in Belgian acute care hospitals was 7.1% (95% confidence interval 6.1-8.3), resulting in an annual estimate of ...