Search results - 4 results
Estimates of the 2015 global and regional disease burden from four foodborne metals- arsenic, cadmium, lead and methylmercury
attention on acute diseases associated with infectious foodborne agents. Four articles in this special section describe in detail the burden of disease from foodborne lead, methylmercury, arsenic, and ...
Attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years caused by infections with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the EU and the European Economic Area in 2015: a population-level modelling analysis
Control point prevalence survey of health-care-associated infections in European acute care hospitals in 2011-12 to estimate the number of non- BSI s. We developed disease outcome models for five types of ...
The health and economic impact of acute gastroenteritis in Belgium, 2010-2014
Disability-Adjusted Life Years Gastroenteritis Abstract: Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) remains a common condition in both low- and high-income countries. In Belgium, however, there is currently a lack of information on ...
Burden and Risk Assessment of Foodborne Disease
Disease, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p.83- 106 (2018) ISBN: 978-3-319-92137-2 Keywords: burden of disease Foodborne disease Abstract: Foodborne illness is typically associated with acute ...