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Aminoglycoside resistance in Gram-negative blood isolates from various hospitals in Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Aminoglycoside Resistance Study Group36690

isepamicin was determined using a microdilution technique according to NCCLS procedures. The overall mean resistance level was 5.9% for gentamicin, 7.7% for tobramycin, 7.5% for netilmicin, 2.8% for amikacin ...

Nested designs in ruggedness testing

determine tetracycline and related substances in bulk samples of tetracycline. Factors such as different laboratories, analysts, instruments, columns, days and batches were examined. The interpretation ...

Interlaboratory study comparing the microbiological potency of spiramycins I, II and III36687

aureus study Test values Abstract: An interlaboratory study has been performed to determine the relative potencies of spiramycins (SPM s) I, II and III by diffusion or/and turbidimetric assays with ...

Genetic multilocus studies of different strains of Cryptococcus neoformans: taxonomy and genetic structure232334008

areas were determined by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis (MLEE). We analyzed the relationships between genotype structure and serotype and between genotype structure and strain origin. Twelve of the 14 ...

Identification of encephalomyocarditis virus in clinical samples by reverse transcription-PCR followed by genetic typing using sequence analysis.

was clearly shown to be the most suitable organ. The detection limit was determined to be 1 viral particle in 100 mg of heart tissue. The sensitivity and specificity of the assay on the basis of the ...

The locus for enterocyte effacement (LEE) of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) from dogs and cats43

Third, since the four types of eae and tir genes were described, we developed a multiplex PCR in order to determine the type of eae and tir genes present in each strain. Fourth, we determined by PCR the ...

Widespread occurrence of the micro-organism Wolbachia in ants.

Keywords: Animals ants Biological Evolution Disorders of Sex Development Female Male polymerase chain reaction reproduction Rickettsiaceae Sex Determination Processes Social Behavior Species Specificity ...

In ovo treatment with an aromatase inhibitor masculinizes postnatal hormone levels, abdominal fat pad content, and GH pulsatility in broiler chickens.

serial blood samples were withdrawn every 10 min for 5 hr, wherein GH pulsatility characteristics were determined using deconvolution analysis. The proportional abdominal fat pad weight was reduced ...

Neomycin: microbiological assay or liquid chromatography?36676

a microbiological assay was performed on three neomycin samples containing respectively, 0.12, 2.1 and 11% (m/m) of neomycin C, as well on a pure neomycin C sample. The potency was determined according to the ...

Cryptococcus neoformans var. gattii isolates from two Peruvian patients.36677

geographic areas, some of them have the conditions for the presence of the variety gattii. In order to determine the presence of the two varieties of C. neoformans in Peru, we made the C. neoformans ...

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